We believe that it is important for people with disability to be able to have equal access to information, services and support during the COVID-19 pandemic so people can be prepared and stay safe. It has been important during this time to make sure that decision makers and Governments know what people with disability need. We have been letting Government know about the barriers and solutions co-designed by people with disability so the systems, programs, information and approaches work for us.
Get the facts!
You can come here to get the latest facts about COVID-19. This information specifically relates to things effecting people with disability.
Latest News and Facts
The COVID-19 pandemic period has been a challenging time for most people, and there has been constantly changing information and advice. QDN has worked hard to make sure people have access to the latest information and advice that is most helpful for people with disability.
International Day of People with Disability online event - Summary Report
Self-advocates leading in a post-COVID world
If you would like to watch the video from the event head here.
Open Letter
Commonwealth and State governments called on for immediate actions required to prioritise COVID-19 safety measures for Queenslanders with disability.
COVID-19 news stories
QDN e-News Video Update – July Week 3
22nd July 2022QDN e-News Video Update – July 2022 Week 3 Click Here To View The Latest QDN eNews CEO Announcement QDN’s CEO Paige Armstrong will announce in this video edition of QDN e-News that she will be going on long service leave from Monday 25 July 2022. During her leave period of three months Michelle Moss, Director Policy and Strategic Engagement will be stepping into the role of CEO whilst Paige goes on long service leave. COVID-19 Update With another wave upon us and high […]Keeping well during flu season
1st June 2022Keeping well during flu season Coming into the flu season the Queensland Health have developed fact sheets in response to Queensland’s free flu vaccination to all Queenslanders. Why is it important to get a flu vaccination? Annual flu vaccination is recommended for everyone over 6 months of age. Vaccination is the best way to reduce the risk of getting flu. You can’t hide from flu. Both the flu virus and COVID-19 are circulating in our community. The flu virus has the potential to make people […]QDN e-News Video Update – March 2022 Week 4
25th March 2022QDN e-News Video Update – March 2022 Week 4 Federal Election 2022 My Disability Vote Counts – Act for Inclusion, has been launched! The federal election is just around the corner, we have launched our policy platform, ‘My disability vote counts: Act for inclusion’, and we want you to get involved! Want to make sure that your candidates know what your disability vote will count for. The federal election must be held by 21 May 2022. Please join us for QDN’s Federal Election briefing for […]COVID-19 Resource links
16th March 2022COVID-19 Update New information sheets – Getting the COVID-19 care you need QDN has produced some information sheets for Queensland Health on the new care pathways for people with disability and their supporters if they get COVID-19, so they know how to access the right health care to meet their needs. For more information: Read the new Care Pathways Fact Sheets on our website here www.qdn.org.au/new-information-sheets-covid-19-care-pathways-2022 Restrictions easing On 4 March at […]QDN e-News Video Update – March 2022 Week 2
10th March 2022QDN e-News Video Update – March 2022 Week 2 Queensland Floods As a state we have had our fair share of natural disasters with the floods in South-East Queensland being the latest. QDN has heard from many of our members about the personal devastation of property and also disruption to their lives and support networks. If you find that you are still experiencing challenges or issues, please contact QDN by email qdn@qdn.org.au or call us on 1300 363 783. We have set up a page of flood […]
COVID-19 Challenge:
“For people in lockdown, it has been hard not to see people face to face. The isolation has been hard. With COVID-19, it’s hard keeping in touch with family and people you know”
Make a plan
It is important to make a plan so you will be safe during an emergency. Find practical tools, resources and tips for developing your own COVID-19 preparedness plan.
Make a covid-19 plan
QDN are working to make sure you have the resources and tools to make a plan to keep yourself safe and well during this public health emergency.
We worked with the University of Sydney to co-design the COVID-19 Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness Plan to provide people with practical tools, resources, and tips for people to develop their own individual plan and information to help people stay safe.
We know that getting the healthcare you need during COVID-19 has been challenging too. QDN worked with Health Consumers Queensland co-designing with people with disability and families the Know your Rights: Getting the healthcare you need during COVID.
We encourage people to think about, talk about and write down a plan for how things will work for you and your support network during this time.
Read more about knowing your rights here »
Where to go if you need help
COVID-19 National hotline for people with symptoms 1800 022 222
COVID-19 National hotline for non-medical information 1800 020 080
Queensland Health for health advice or information
13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84)
For Queensland specific information and orders, visit the Queensland Health website. This will help you understand what the rules are that the Queensland Government is putting in place for Queensland, and what you need to do.
Red Cross hotline
1800 733 111
It is normal to feel stressed or confused during an unusual situation. Talking to people you trust can help including family, friends, support workers.
People in self-quarantine can call the Red Cross hotline on 1800 733 111 to receive over-the-phone psychosocial support and non-contact practical assistance.
Call 1800 733 111 »
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Help
1800 800 110
If you need to talk to a planner, make changes to your plan or are having trouble finding supports due to COVID-19
People in self-quarantine can call the Red Cross hotline on 1800 733 111 to receive over-the-phone psychosocial support and non-contact practical assistance.
Feedback from QDN Member on the Impacts of Covid-19
“The good things were people were getting more access to technology, as everyone else has said during the meeting. They were getting technology through NDIA; and we also got to learn how to communicate on Zoom.” “They also explained what our rights were – and what we could do.”
COVID-19 vaccinations - Level Three Supported Accommodation
QDN has been working with providers to provide information sessions to make sure that people with disability are provided with the information they need to know about the vaccine, the roll-out phases and the vaccination processes, and to provide support at the vaccination sessions.
GIVIT project
An issue that became urgent during the COVID-19 period was the need for people to have digital connection so they were not isolated and had access to information during periods of lockdown. The Department of Communities linked QDN with GIVIT to provide smartphones and devices to people with disability who were not participants in the NDIS. You can read more about this project here.
Hospital Discharge project
We worked with Queensland Health to support people with disability when they were discharged from hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic. QDN’s independent information and guidance is helping Queensland Health advise people with disability, their carers and families about transition from hospital to safely live in the community.
Message for decision makers:
"Provide the IT hardware and the education to use it. Because with COVID-19, it was every man for themselves; trying to get hold of computers, web cams, microphones. All the stuff that’s needed to stay in touch. For anyone with intellectual disabilities or physical disabilities, you were basically at the bottom of the pack for trying to get hold of anything."
Stay connected
It is important to stay connected through the pandemic.
QDN Local Support Groups
Join your local Peer Support Group. Our Peer Support Groups connect people with disability to get together and talk about the things that matter most. They are places for sharing lived experiences, exchanging information, and connecting with other people.
Groups are led by people with a disability who are part of the local community. They start discussions about things like navigating the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), local activities and organisations to get involved with, and helping members achieve their goals.
Some ideas to stay connected include
- speaking to someone you know at the same time each day (a check-in phone call)
- using Facetime or other applications to speak with people
- joining or starting a group with friends or family through social media (Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp)
- speaking with friends or neighbours over the fence or balcony
- calling friends and family regularly
- starting a movie or book club over the phone or computer
- writing letters to people that you haven’t seen in a while
- making video calls and texting friends and family
Covid Conversations
QDN, Health Consumers Queensland and Council on the Ageing Queensland hosted COVID Conversations for people with disability and their families on the vaccine.
We heard real-life impacts of getting COVID-19, stories about living in lockdown and about choosing to get the COVID-19 vaccine, drawing upon Victorian and Queensland experiences.
Speakers included a person with disability, a family member, disability support worker and Queensland Health representative.
COVID Conversation 1
Testing and wearing masks – What do we need to know?
COVID Conversation 2
Getting the healthcare you need during COVID-19: Get prepared and know your rights
COVID Conversation 3
Testing and wearing masks – What do we need to know?
COVID Conversation 4
Vaccinations - Issues and Recommendations

“I have found the information in the 'Know your rights' resource so helpful to me and my supporters in my current situation. As a person with disability who is currently in hospital and someone who was part of the co-design of these resources, the practical tips and information to help me navigate my way made such a difference. I had all my information together to bring with me and help my healthcare team understand about me and my needs”
Sharon Boyce, QDN member and Board Director