QBloggers is a member-driven blogging community where our members are creating by discussing the topics that matter to people with disability. Being a QBlogger is a chance to grow and learn from one another's experiences and expertise and help generate ideas for future policy and advocacy work.

You can create a blog by filming a video, recording a podcast, or writing a post, with the QDN communications team available to support you if you need.

Recent blogs

Meet the QBloggers

How to become a QBlogger

QBloggers is open to all QDN members and isn’t dependent on your experience of communicating or blogging. QBloggers receive a nominal fee for the time spent on their blog. We encourage QBloggers to research and foster relationships with people in the community who they may interview as part of their blog.

Apply to be a QBlogger here.

If you would like to discuss becoming a QBlogger give us a call on 1300 363 783 or email Melia at mmccarthy@qdn.org.au