E-blast: SIL report supports QDN recommendations

The Federal Parliament’s Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS has released their report on Supported Independent Living or what is commonly known as “SIL”.

The report has 45 recommendations that, if implemented, would significantly change how SIL works. Many of the recommendations reflect what QDN called for in our submission and public testimony to the committee.

Recommendations include:

  • Making sure people with disability have real choice about where they live and who they live with, including whether they access supports in a shared or individual living arrangement
  • Making sure people with disability and their families have the chance to review quotes for SIL before they are approved by the NDIA
  • Giving participants living in congregate settings, who receive SIL funding, the opportunity to review their accommodation and support arrangements and to exit the congregate setting if they wish to do this
  • Developing a central register so people with disability can see a full list of vacancies for SIL accommodation, giving them more choice and control
  • More support and funding for advocacy and supported decision making to allow people who live in SIL an opportunity to have a real say on how they want their NDIS funding used

Many QDN members contributed to our submission and testimony to the committee’s inquiry. It’s great to see your experiences and ideas have been reflected in the committee’s final report. This is yet another example of why it’s so important for people with disability to be included in how policy is developed.

If you want to read more about the committee’s report, you can find the full version here: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Joint/National_Disability_Insurance_Scheme/Independentliving/Report

Where to from here?

The Australian Government will now look at the report and develop their response to the recommendations over the coming months.

QDN will work with our members and community allies to make sure the NDIA and the Australian Government listens to the committee’s recommendations and moves to improve SIL so participants with disability have more choice and control around their living and support options and arrangements, going forward.

We will be sure to keep you updated as we hear more.

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