We want accessible, affordable, and reliable transport. This is important to make sure we can access our communities, whether it’s going to the doctors, buying groceries, visiting friends or being able to get to work.
We know that although progress has been made with policy, legislation and changes to transport, most modes are not fully accessible to all people with disability.
Ageing buses and trains still include steps, train stations do not always have lifts, and mobility parking spaces remain limited. The number of accessible loading zones and taxi ranks are inadequate, with many not having kerb ramps for wheelchair-accessible taxi users
We know that Queenslanders with disability living in remote, rural, and regional parts of our state often remain isolated and cannot access essential services due to the lack of accessible transport that is regular and reliable.
Safe, accessible and affordable public and private transport is essential for people with disability. A range of transport options, subsidies and programs will ensure people with disability have the same transport options as the rest of the community.
Submissions and consultations
Ensuring people with disability have a voice on issues that affect them is at the heart of what we do.
Our members experience multiple issues when using transport services. We know that people with disability must be part of the solution. They should be actively involved in the design, conduct and evaluation of the transport system.
In the past we have consulted with members to make submissions about:
- Public consultation on automated vehicle safety reforms June 2024
- Public consultation on automated vehicle safety reforms June 2024 - Accessible Version
- QDN Submission - Draft National Road Transport Technology Strategy and 2024-27 National Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) Action Plan - 2023
- QDN Submission - Draft National Road Transport Technology Strategy and 2024-27 National Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) Action Plan - Accessible Version - 2023
- QDN Submission - Aviation Green Paper - 2023
- QDN Submission - Aviation Green Paper - Accessible Version - 2023
- QDN Responses to the Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill - 2023
- QDN Responses to the Transport and Other Legislation Amendment Bill - Accessible Version - 2023
- QDN Walkable Strategy Submission - 2023
- QDN Taxi Forum Report 2022 - Accessible Version
- QDN Summary Report - E-Scooters 2021 - Accessible Version
- QDN Submission - Motorised Mobility Device Discussion Paper 2019 - Accessible Version
- QDN Submission - Draft Queensland Transport Strategy 2018
- QDN Submission - Third Review of the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 - 2018
- QDN Submission to DSAPT Reform Consultation 2021
- QDN Response to Australian Railways Association exemption application 2020

Member story
“I catch a train to work three days a week. The train is 10 minutes away from my house. I use bike paths to travel to the station in my power chair from my house. For the most part this works well. However sometimes the lifts at my station are not working due to maintenance or mechanical failure. This is frustrating and costly as this makes me late for work as I either need to get a maxi taxi to work or travel 20 minutes in the opposite direction to get to an accessible bus stop. An SMS messaging system that alerts me and other users in the area ahead of time if the lift is not working would be a useful strategy to address this issue and would enable me to make an alternative plan to get to work.”