QDN e-Bulletin Update March 2021
A note from Des
Des Ryan, Chairperson of the Board
It continues to be a busy time for QDN, for Queenslanders with disability and our allies. I would like to start by thanking all of our members, peer leaders, board directors, supporters and allies for your time and efforts on the Stand with us! campaign around Queensland disability advocacy. We have worked with 14 other organisations in the Queensland Disability Advocacy Alliance and have really highlighted the importance of disability advocacy for people with disability. It was a great result to hear Minister Crawford’s commitment to continue the funding for independent individual, citizen and systemic advocacy for the next two years, until 30 June 2023. We still have some work to do to make sure that there is commitment that reflects advocacy as an ongoing and fundamental need for people. If you engaged with your local Member of Parliament around the issue, please drop them an email to say thank you to them for raising the issue. In a very short amount of time we were able to amplify our messages and we are very pleased that we were heard and that Government have listened and acted.
We have also seen the impacts of natural disasters in communities across Queensland and New South Wales with the recent rain event and flooding. I recently spoke at the Rockhampton Neighbour Day about how important it is that everyone, including people with disability, are prepared for emergency. We know from experience, unless we take time out to think about what we do, our own risks for disaster, and our support needs in an emergency, when the emergency happens it is too late. We need to build in time for planning conversations, to work through the person-centred emergency preparedness tool (PCEP)and make a plan for how we will manage our support needs in an emergency. It is important to know you don’t need to do it alone. QDN peer leaders have worked with the University of Sydney to develop the PCEP workbook which is a great tool you can use to make your plan. QDN peer support groups are working on this in communities around Queensland so get in contact with QDN to find out more. Disability and community support workers are learning about PCEP and how they can support people in having emergency planning conversations. Local councils, like Rocky Council are working together with QDN to promote the workbook and the importance of including people with disability in disaster planning. Neighbours are important supports to each other in times of emergency so reach out to your neighbours. You can go to the PCEP workbook here.

Covid-19 is still with us as we see clusters of cases for Brisbane and South East Queensland residents. COVID-19 is a health emergency and it is really important that people have plans in place for covid-19. The covid-19 plan resource that QDN developed is a good place to get information and understand what you need to think about. To make sure you have a plan in place for COVID-19, please click on the photos to the left and start planning with the PCEP COVID-19 tool.
We also know the Covid-19 Vaccination Program is rolling out at the moment. New information is being released all the time. The Australian Government Health website has resources and information for people with disability so please stay up to date here.
An update from Paige
Paige Armstrong, Chief Executive Officer
Advocacy matters we all know! The message was loud and clear at the rally outside Queensland Parliament house last week. Thank you to all our QDN members and supporters and our Queensland Disability Advocacy Alliance partners who were able to be there on the day and join with over 200 people in Brisbane and almost 30 people in Rocky. Thank you to everyone who has signed onto the campaign. We thank the Queensland Government for your commitment to continue the funding, and thank you to all the Queensland political parties and Queensland MPs for supporting us.
Accessible, affordable, safe housing is a critical issue for people with disability. Having a place to call home has been one of the top issues identified by QDN members year after year. People need choice about where they live and with whom they live. Current stock of accessible housing already fails the needs of people with disability and we know that demand for accessible housing is set to double over the next 40 years. 1000’s of Queenslanders currently are not able to find accessible housing that meets their needs. The time to act is now. The National Building Code is currently being reviewed. At the moment, there are voluntary guidelines for Liveable Housing Design, however only 5% of new home builds have complied with these guidelines. We know if we stay on this path – going forward 100,000s of people with disability, older people and families will not be able to access housing that is accessible and meets their needs.
We need mandatory accessibility standards in our National Building Code. We need QDN members to act now to let Governments know that now is the time to change the National Building Code to make sure housing is accessible for everyone. The Building Ministers from the states and territories are meeting on 30 April 2021. We only have 4 weeks. We are asking members to urgently email the Queensland Cabinet to raise this as an important issue and ask for their support for this amendment to the legislation. If you also live in an electorate of one of the Queensland State Ministers, you may also seek a meeting with them as a constituent of their electorate. We are also asking if you can email the new Chair for the Australian Building Code Board, the Assistant Minister for Industry, Senator the Hon. Duniam, and you may like to also send that to your local Federal Member of Parliament. More information is available in the ebulletin further below about how to contact and a template email. It is important that both our State and Commonwealth members of Parliament understand what having accessible housing means for you in your day to day life.
NDIS Reforms continue to be a significant issue for Queenslanders with disability and specifically around the introduction of independent assessments. Chairperson Des Ryan and I wrote a letter last week to Minister Robert to raise the concerns of QDN members, families and supporters and call for a range of actions to ensure people with disability’s concerns are taken into consideration. We will update the new NDIS Minister Linda Reynolds who was sworn in today. QDN has also provided a submission to the NDIS Joint Standing Committee. We know that the NDIS access process is a challenge for many people, but we want to make sure that whatever changes are brought in make it work for a diverse range of people and that the scheme is the NDIS that Queenslanders with disability and their families fought for.
Covid-19 Lockdown
The Premier has just announced that the Greater Brisbane lockdown will finish 1 April at 12pm. There are a number of measures that will remain in place until Tuesday 15 April 2021 that include:
- If you do need to leave your house, you must carry a mask and wear it when inside spaces including shopping centres, public transport, venues, and crowded places out doors if you can’t socially distance. If you can’t wear a mask because of your disability or your health condition, you just need to explain this if you are asked by police or other official.
- Restrictions to visitors will remain in place for Aged Care, Disability Accommodation providers and hospitals.
- You must be seated in restaurants, cafes and no dancing in public venues.
- Gatherings at your home are restricted to 30 people.
For more information on current restrictions, please go Queensland’s Public Health Directions on the Queensland Health website. Easy read versions will also be accessible here.
Some important things to remember about the covid-19 lock downs are:
- services which provide critical health and disability support are considered essential so your disability supports are essential services and workers need to follow direction about personal protective equipment, including masks, when providing supports and should not work if they are unwell.
- we have a Covid-19 planning tool available on our website. This planning tool will help you think through how to make a plan for your own individual needs and situation during COVID-19. Your emergency plan for COVID-19 can be found here.
- in Disability Accommodation Services, Aged Care and Hospital, your support workers are not considered visitors and can continue to work.
- if people with a disability need to attend hospital, there is an exemption in place that allows a support person to go with you – this can be a support worker, informal carer, family member or friend. It’s a good idea to talk to the hospital you are planning to go to about this before you arrive.
- QDN have developed a guide called “Know your rights: Getting the hospital care you need during COVID-19″, which can be found here.
- mental health support is also available via the mental health access line 1300 MH CALL (1300 642255) and for carers and families – 1800 242 636.
- please continue to stay safe and use the usual hygiene measures – such as social distancing of 1.5 metres, washing hands or sanitising regularly, and wearing a mask outside your house.
- keep up to date with Covid- 19 information specifically for people with disability here.
Disability advocacy matters. Stand with us!
Thank you to everyone for coming together and standing with us! Over 200 people attended the rally in Brisbane out the front of Queensland Parliament House on 24 March and almost 30 people in Rockhampton. It was also great to have the support of Members of Parliament who came out to stand with us on the day including Government Ministers and MPs, Opposition Deputy Leader and Shadow Minister, Greens MPs and to the MPs who sent messages of support for the rally and the campaign. We have worked with 14 other organisations on this campaign – the Queensland Disability Advocacy Alliance (QDAA) and it is a collective effort that everyone should be proud of.
Queenslanders with disability and their families appreciate the commitment of funding for the next two years, however, advocacy is a ongoing and fundamental need. Going forward, people with disability need certainty of ongoing support and commitment beyond these two year timeframes. We are still asking people to sign onto the campaign so if you haven’t yet – please sign up to show your support.
Independent individual, citizen and systemic advocacy plays a vital role in supporting the over 900,000 Queenslanders with disability to have their rights and well-being protected as well as supporting their full inclusion in all aspects of community life – ensuring equal access to the services delivered by government mainstream, community and private organisations.
Check out the photos from the rally on the Stand with us website here.
We need your help to make accessible housing for everyone – Building Better Homes Campaign
Another urgent call to action – we have 4 weeks to go until the State, Territory and Commonwealth Ministers meet to decide on changes to the National Building Code. 30 April 2021 is the date that Ministers will meet so we need to let the Queensland and Commonwealth Governments know it is important for Queenslanders with disability, their families and supporters, that they mandate accessible housing standards. This benefits everyone in our community – whether mothers with prams, people with disability or seniors with mobility issues.
Following on from the successful advocacy campaign, we need your help again to lobby around accessible housing by signing onto the campaign here.
As so many of you continue to tell us, accessible housing is fundamental to your lives. We need you to let the Queensland and Commonwealth Governments know how important it is for you personally – it’s the individual stories about your lives and lived experience around housing accessibility – or lack of access – that have the greatest impact.
We are asking that you email the Queensland Cabinet using this template here, with your personal story around your housing access issues, to ask for their support for the addition of mandatory accessibility standards in the National Construction Code. Queensland Cabinet Ministers email addresses and contact details are here.
We are also asking you to send an email to Senator Jonathon Duniam, who is the new Chair for the Australian Building Codes Board and the Assistant Minister for Industry, using this second template here. Senator Duniam’s contact details are here.
You can also send a copy of the email to Senator Duniam to your local Commonwealth Member of Parliament. Commonwealth MPs email address and contacts are here. Again, tell your story to bring home the importance of this issue at a personal level.
Thank you for mobilising support to make sure we don’t miss this opportunity – we need as many emails as possible to URGENTLY get to Qld Cabinet Ministers and the Commonwealth Minister. So, please circulate this information onto your social networks asking that they also send emails as quickly as possible.
Targeted Outreach Project – Far North Queensland Launch
On the 19 March 2021, the Minister for Seniors and Disability Services and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Craig Crawford MP launched the next stage of the Targeted Outreach project in Far North Queensland. QDN with partners QCOSS, ADA Australia and the Queensland Government will now be working in Far North Queensland from Cairns out to Atherton and down to Mackay to support people with disability to understand how to access the NDIS as well link them with regional Assessment and Referral Team.
Paige Armstrong, CEO, QDN shared her experiences at the launch of how the important work in Targeted Outreach is helping people with disability to access the scheme. Paige shared stories about the impacts that homelessness and challenges have on people trying to access the scheme and one example of a person QDN and ART have worked with who has no formal supports and frequently experience homelessness was able to get access to the NDIS. Paige also talked about the role of local champions who are people with disability who are working locally to help people and services find out about how it can help them, and also local level engagement groups. More information about the Targeted Outreach Project is available at Targeted Outreach Project – Queenslanders with Disability Network (qdn.org.au)
Photo: Barry Fewquandie ADA Australia, Aunty Ruth Miller ATSIDNQ, Wayne Maitland Local Champion, Paige Armstrong CEO QDN, Minister Craig Crawford MP, Max Wise and Lauren McFarlane from Department of Seniors, Disability Services, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
Self-Advocates Building Back Better post covid-19
In 2020, self-advocates with an intellectual disability from Brisbane, Gold Coast and Canada started meeting online. They held a webinar earlier this year, to hear from people with an intellectual disability from all over Australia and Canada sharing their stories and concerns around keeping connected as a community during COVID-19. The full webinar is available here.
Click here to check out the Summary Report from the webinar.
Peer Support Groups
Deception Bay Peer Support Group farewell to Group Convenor Rebecca Bellis and member Roger Read
On Wednesday, 10 February 2021 the Deception Bay Peer Support Group thanked Rebecca Bellis co-convenor and Roger Read for their contributions and hard work to bring together people with disability in the area.
Rebecca who helped form the North Lakes Local Support Group which moved to Deception Bay in 2017 has worked hard to show what people with disability contribute to the community.
As the co-convenor for Deception Bay Peer Support Group with Eileen Goodenough, Rebecca has worked with the local community, council and businesses to bring more awareness of the needs of people with disability as well as helped people with disability to have a voice in their local community.
The group also thanked Roger for all his support to help the group regularly meet and hold events in the Deception Bay community. Over the last four years there has been four expos and three shopping centres meet and greets. These expos and shopping centre meet and greets were a great way for the Deception Bay Peer Support Group to connect with people with disability in the community and show how people with disability meaningful contribute to the community.
QDN would like to join the Deception Bay Peer Support Group in thanking Rebecca and Roger for all their hard work and dedication over the years. They will certainly be missed!
Brisbane Peer Support Group
Brisbane Peer Support Group were interested in better understanding the Taxi Subsidy Scheme and how this was implemented by taxi companies. To help them with this topic they invited Chief Executive Blair Davies from the Taxi Council Queensland to their March meeting.
Blair shared information with the group around the taxi industries regulations and the training process taxi drivers are required to do to assisting people with disability to access a taxis. The training included the safe transport of varied mobility and assistive technologies including wheelchairs and assistance animals. Blair also talked about the additional security and monitoring that occurs when using a taxi which includes driver and customer monitoring systems, cameras and microphones that store all the data on a ‘black box’. The group also talked about taxi fares and catchment areas and found out about the options for fixed price for some fares when you pre-book your trip.
The next Brisbane Peer Support Group meeting is on 21 April 2021 at 10:30am. If you are interested in coming along or joining online contact peersupport@qdn.org.au
Gympie Peer Support Group
QDN’s Gympie Peer Support Group met on the 19th March with the Mayor Glen Hartwig, Gympie Regional Council attending to discuss disability related planning and the role of the local council.
The group had robust conversations around areas including housing, employment and community engagement for people with disability in the Gympie area. Accessible housing for young people with disability was of particular interest to the group and discussion was held around the need for the development of more accessible housing in the area.
The group also discussed accessing the community and some of the challenges people with disability have accessing older buildings and shop fronts. The group are keen to invite a representative from the Gympie Regional Councils, Disability Advisory Committee so they can further discuss these important topics with the committee as they provide feedback to the Council when they are upgrading or changing public spaces in Gympie.
QDN would like to thank Mayor Glen Hartwig for attending and discussing these important topics with the group.
The next meeting is held on the 23rd of April 2021 from 10-12pm and Unit 2-4 Horseshoe bend (PHN building) in Gympie.
What is a Peer Support Group?
A peer support group is a peer group of people with disability, who join together to:
- Get helpful information, with a focus upon the National Disability Insurance Scheme;
- Share information, stories and learnings, enriched through each member’s lived experience;
- Connect members with activities and organisations in their community, and build on the strengths each member already has; and
- Support each other to think about and plan for the life they want.
Each Peer Support Group has a group Convenor to coordinate the group and support what they want to achieve.
Find out more about Peer Support Groups by watching the short video here introducing QDN’s Peer Support Groups and their Convenors.
Ready to join a Peer Support Group?
Join or find out more about the Peer Support Groups or the virtual networks by sending us an email or calling us and nominating your choice of group. It’s FREE to join.
We’ve made it easy for you to join. You can either:
- Phone
- Complete the form
Phone: 07 3252 8566 or 1300 363 783 (local call)
Email: Email by clicking here.
Emerging Leaders 
Meet our Emerging Leaders 2021
We are excited to announce the start of QDN’s first Emerging Leader Program which runs from March to November 2021. The response to the expression of interest was overwhelming and we were able to finalise 21 candidates from across Queensland from different backgrounds and disabilities to be part of the program.
The program comprises two x two-day workshops and 7 virtual workshops featuring an outstanding array of speakers sharing their experience and knowledge on a diverse range of leadership topics. Individuals will be supported by a very capable team of mentors and a QDN based hosting team to build their leadership skills.
The program was launched on 9 and 10 March with a two-day, face to face workshop in Brisbane. The workshop gave people the opportunity to get to know each other, worked together to understand the nature of influence, how to be a leader as well as do the work of leadership, and U theory as a framework for social change. They learned about staying present in chaos, understanding change processes, and how to look after your relationships and self as a leader. They also started to craft their own leadership questions. The photos below are a snapshot of the new Emerging Leaders starting their leadership journey at the March workshop.
More information about this new emerging leaders program including the 21 Emerging Leaders and guest speakers is available here.
Click here to meet the new Emerging Leaders
Have your say on topics that matter to you
Disability and Transport Standards: online consultations
TMR Accessibility are hosting 6 online consultation forums to help people get involved in the reform process and have their say.
The forums will be held over two weeks commencing 12th of April 2021 and will be professionally facilitated to ensure participants have an opportunity to contribute their views. There will be specific sessions for the disability community, the transport industry and open sessions for all participants. Online registrations for each session are required in advance.
Sessions are as follows:
- Monday 12 April 2021 2:00-3:30pm (AEST) – Disability Community
- Wednesday 14 April 2021 11am-12:30pm (AEST) – All Participants
- Friday 16 April 2021 1:00pm-2:30pm (AEST) – Transport Industry
- Tuesday 20 April 2021 10:00am-11:30am (AEST) – Disability Community
- Tuesday 20 April 2021 2:00pm-3:30pm (AEST) – All Participants
- Thursday 22 April 2021 1:00pm-2:30pm (AEST) – Disability Community
For more information please visit Government’s website here.
QDN will also be putting in a submssion so please contact qdn@qdn.org.au if you have any feedback.
Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards 2010
The Australian Government is currently reviewing the Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards 2010 (the Premises Standards).
The purpose of the Premises Standards is to make sure:
- people living with disability and their family members, carers and friends have equal access to public buildings
- building certifiers, developers and managers fulfil their responsibilities to people with disability under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992
QDN is preparing a submission. Please contact QDN at qdn@qdn.org.au or call to speak with Louise P if you have any key things you want to add. Submissions close on 16 April 2021
There is a consultation paper out for review and can be found here.
Disability Royal Commission
The Disability Royal Commission has released an issues paper asking the public to share their views about the experiences of culturally and linguistically diverse people with disability. They are especially interested in the views of all people with disabilities and their family and supporters. The issues paper asks 13 questions to help people and organisations to provide responses. The paper is available in Easy Read, PDF and DOCX. They are asking for responses by 11 June 2021. To access papers which are also available in different languages go here
Have your say
There are many ways in which you can make a submission to the Royal Commission to share your story. The Disability Royal Commission have released this video to show how you can share your story via phone, email, the website or by making a video or audio recording. There is also information on how you can apply for a private session here.
Public Hearings
The Disability Royal Commission has released their schedule for 2021. The first public hearing of 2021 will be held from the 16th to the 25th of February and will cover the justice system. More details about the hearing will be available closer to the date. Click here for the schedule.
Important Commission Links
Legal Support: National Legal Aid (NLA) together with the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (NATSILS) will provide a free, national legal advisory service for people engaging with the Royal Commission. You can contact NLA on 1800 771 800.
Click here to access National Legal Aid. Click here to access the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services
Financial Assistance: This area of the Commission can be contacted directly on 1800 117 995. If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can also call the National Relay Service and give 02 6141 4770 as the number you would like to call.
Advocacy: Advocacy services funded under the National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP) have been given additional funding to support people with disability. Information about the program can be found at National Disability Advocacy Program, along with a Disability Advocacy Finder tool to help you locate a service provider near you. Alternatively, you can contact the Disability Royal Commission Hotline on 1800 517 199 or at the following email DRCEnquiries@royalcommission.gov.au to assist you to find your nearest advocacy service. Click here to access the National Disability Advocacy Program and the Disability Advocacy Finder.
Counselling support during the Disability Royal Commission is available from Blue Knot Foundation on 1800 421 468.
Policy Updates
Independent Assessments and NDIS Reforms
QDN provided a submission to the NDIA to respond to the two consultation papers on the proposed introduction of Independent Assessments for the NDIS. QDN peer leaders also engaged in consultation with the NDIA to provide feedback on the key issues. The NDIA have released the feedback reports “You said- we heard’ post consultation reports which you can access here
QDN has also provided a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS on 31 March 2021 outlining the feedback from QDN members and allies with regards to the proposed changes including the mandatory independent assessments for both new and existing NDIS participants.
QDN will keep members updated as this progresses.
New Worker Screening Process – Yellow card
From 1 February 2021, a new worker screening process commenced in Queensland for workers that provide supports and services to people with disability. It replaces the existing ‘yellow card’ screening. In Queensland, you will be required to get a worker screening clearance if you work for a registered NDIS provider or if you work in state non-NDIS disability services. Plan and self-managed NDIS participants can choose whether they require their non-registered workers to get a clearance.
On Thursday, 18 February 2021 QDN partnered with ADA Australia, ATSIDNQ and CRU held an webinar event for self and plan managed NDIS participants and their families on the new changes to the yellow card system and how it will impact their supports. Over 100 people connected in to hear from speakers from the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and people with lived experience of self or plan managing their NDIS funds.
You can access the slides, summary of questions and answers, additional links and resources here.
Royal Commission into Aged Care
The Final Report of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety was delivered on 26 February 2021 – the Commissioners make 148 wide ranging recommendations for fundamental reform of the aged care system. The report is available here
Disability Royal Commission
The Disability Royal Commission has released overview of the responses that were received from people with disability, parents and family members, academics and organisations in response to the issues paper on employment. You can read more here https://disability.royalcommission.gov.au/publications/employment
The Disability Royal Commission has also just released their latest newsletter outlining ‘proposed finding’ in regards to the discriminatory attitudes and wrong assumptions about people with disability are among a range of barriers that prevent people with disability from finding and keeping a job. It is one of many proposed findings made in relation to Public hearing 9 which took place last year and looked into barriers and pathways to open employment for people with disability. In this hearing we heard evidence from 35 witnesses including people with disability, parents and carers of people with disability, advocates and academics. You can read more information here.
Covid-19 Vaccinations
Phases 1a and 1b of the Commonwealth COVID-19 vaccination rollout are currently underway – this means vaccinations are occurring for residents and staff of aged care and disability accommodation, and they are also available for younger adults with an underlying medical condition, including those with a disability. QDN has been engaged by Queensland Health to provide information sessions on the vaccination process for residents and staff of Level Three Supported Accommodation and has been delivering these on the North and South Coasts, Ipswich region and throughout Brisbane.
We will continue to update members with information about the broad distribution of the vaccine.
Policy Work
Congratulation to QDN board directors, Sharon Boyce and Peter Tully, and CEO Paige Armstrong on their appointment to various reference groups, working within the Independent Advisory Council to the NDIS. The new membership boasts participants, experts, advocates, family members, and researchers with broad-ranging lived experience, skills, and knowledge. Reference Group members come from all Australian States and Territories, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and diverse cultural communities.
The four Reference Groups are:
- Children, Young People and Families Reference Group
- Equity and Inclusion Reference Group
- Home and Living Reference Group
- Intellectual Disability Reference Group.
These Reference Groups will help inform the development of Council’s fiercely independent formal and informal advice, drawing attention to the most important issues affecting the delivery of the NDIS for participants, families, and carers. You can learn more about the Council here.
QDN is looking for artists with disability
QDN is looking for artists with disability who would like to design the artwork for a QDN shirt. The design concept is around connecting people with disability together, sharing stories and creating a strong vibrant Queensland wide network. We would like people interested to provide their concept by Friday 16 April 2021. This is just a rough drawing of what the final design would look like. Once the design has been chosen the artist can finish their artwork.
The artist with the chosen design will receive a $150 gift card.
If you have any queries, please contact Olivia Spadina at peersupport@qdn.org.au or phone 3252 8566
COVID-19 information for people with disability
Advice and information about COVID-19 is changing all the time. QDN is working hard to make sure you have a place to go for the latest information and advice, and the resources that are most helpful for people with disability.
We want you to get the facts, make a plan and stay connected. Go to the QDN website to read more here
Targeted Outreach Project
- understand how the NDIS can provide access to the supports they need
- access free and practical individual support to apply for and access the NDIS through dedicated regional Assessment and Referral (ART) teams
- collecting and preparing information
- filling out and sending NDIS forms
- discussing disability related needs with doctors and specialists
- providing functional assessments where needed
- keeping track of the NDIS access request until the process is finished
Find out more about our Local Champions here.
Want to know more about QDeNgage? Find out if it could be for you?
Join us for an online QDeNgage info session for people with disability on 14 April 2021 at 10:30am. At this one hour session you will find out more about the QDeNgage initiative, and have your questions answered.
Joining the QDeNgage team will open up opportunities to share your knowledge and experience, and create a more inclusive Queensland. QDeNgage is an initiative of Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN), connecting businesses, government departments, and organisations to people with lived experience of disability to provide feedback, advice and information.
If you are a person with lived experience of disability who is looking to:
• Share your lived experience with others and be remunerated for your expertise
• Contribute to creating positive change for people with disability
• Provide feedback on important issues for people with disability QDeNgage could be for you!
Click here to register for the QDeNgage information session
Read more about QDeNgage on the QDN website here.
Disability Inclusive Disaster Resilient Queensland
The team has been in Rockhampton and Mackay engaging with peer support groups around emergency preparedness. Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) Peer Leaders in these communities held meetings with people with disability, beginning the emergency preparedness planning journey together.
QDN staff also attended the Rockhampton Neighbour Day celebration, alongside guest speaker, Rockhampton local and QDN Board Chair Des Ryan. The day was attended by a wide range of community organisations, local Council, Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, and people with disability.
It was a great opportunity to connect with the local community and share important information on how to get prepared, including our Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness Workbook available here.
Introducing a four-part webinar series on Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR)
Our project partners Community Services Industry Alliance have developed this webinar series for people with disability, community, health and disability service providers, government and emergency services personnel who want to develop their capability to work together to ensure the safety and well-being of people with disability before, during and after disaster.
Check out our QDN DIDRR Peer Leaders Peter Tully and Nadia Brady in video 1
Check out the videos here
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Disability Network of Queensland
Yarning Circles -Hervey Bay and Maryborough
Last Month ATSIDNQ returned to Hervey Bay and Maryborough to facilitate the Yarning Groups as part of the Powers of Peers (POP) program. ATSIDNQ and the team from Galangoor Duwalami Primary Health Centre yarned with mob at the Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre and at Galangoor Duwalami Primary Healthcare Service.
It was great to meet the new NDIS Community Connector, Cherie Wilkie, who is based at Galangoor and covers both the Hervey Bay and Maryborough area. If you would like information on the NDIS or support in accessing the NDIS please call through to reception on (07) 4184 9969 or 0418 465 119 for a yarn with Cherie.
ATSIDNQ are organising more Yarning Circles for 2021 and hope to see you soon at a Yarning Circle near you.
Read more from ATSIDNQ here.
QDN Events
Peer Support Groups
Peer Support Groups meet monthly connecting people with disability to share information and learn new things. Contact peersupport@qdn.org.au or 1300 363 783 to get meeting details. Find out more about your local Peer Support Group here.
Free online emergency preparedness planning sessions!
We invite you to join us for a series of three online emergency preparedness planning sessions to develop a plan for what you would do in an emergency situation, such as floods or bushfire. Everyone needs to plan for an emergency, and people with disability often have additional support needs to consider.
QDN has been working with the University of Sydney and project partners to develop the ‘Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness Workbook’, a practical conversation guide and emergency planning tool. You can access the workbook here. Over three sessions you will be supported through the workbook, have the opportunity to hear from Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, and learn from Peer Leaders with disability who have their own plans in place.
You will need to be able to attend all three sessions on these dates:
15 April 2021: 10.30am – 12.30pm – P-CEP Planning Session 1: Identify your strengths and support needs
29 April 2021: 10.30am – 12.30pm – P-CEP Planning Session 2: Know your risk
13 May 2021: 10.30am – 12.30pm – P-CEP Planning Session 3: Make a plan
You can express your interest in joining these sessions by emailing Louise Abson at engage@qdn.org.au or calling the QDN office, and we will send you more information. Please let us know if you have any accessibility needs, such as AUSLAN or captioning requirements.
From Our Friends
Gallery of Modern Art
On Wednesday 14 April 2021, and to co-incide with Autism Awareness Month, QAG and GOMA will be low sensory during opening hours. Visitors with Autism, sensory sensitivity or disability, their families, carers and support workers are invited to experience our exhibitions in a quieter environment. Volumes will be lowered and high sensory areas signposted. Quiet zones will also be available.
Here is a link to the event for sharing with your networks. QAGOMA_Low sensory day_14 April 2021
To help plan a visit, download or view the information sheet with sensory floor plans at the link here.
View our world-exclusive exhibition, The Motorcycle: Design, Art, Desire, which showcases more than 100 of the most innovative and influential motorcycles of the last 150 years. ‘The Motorcycle’ is a ticketed exhibition – tickets can be purchased in advance online or onsite at GOMA on the day. Carers and support workers with a valid Companion Card receive complimentary entry to ticketed exhibitions.
There are many free exhibitions to see at QAG and GOMA, including two interactive Children’s Art Centre exhibitions which are suitable for all ages.
In-line with the Gallery’s COVID Safe Plan, visitors are required to provide their name and contact details upon arrival, to support contact tracing. Visitors can scan a QR Code with a smart phone or use an iPad at all entry foyer Information Desks to provide these details. More information is available on there website here.
New resource from The Hopkins Centre
Griffith have created a guide to help people with a disability decide whether to participation in research. The guide includes helpful hints, things to think about and questions to ask researchers. It aims to help people with a disability make a more informed decision on whether or not to take part in research, as well as be more empowered throughout the research process. You can access the guide here.