Get Ready, Plan Ahead Burdekin
Come Chat With Us in November!
Learn how to plan for your support needs in emergencies such as floods, cyclones, bushfires, and heatwaves.
Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness (P-CEP) is a way for people with disability to follow four action steps to get ready for emergencies.
These activities are for people with disability, seniors, and anyone with additional support needs.
Drop in for a chat!
We are local people with disability who will help you learn how to use the P-CEP to develop your own emergency plan.
Come along to see someone who can give you their full attention, one-on-one.
Bring anyone you might want to support you, such as a carer or support worker.
For more information, please contact Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) on 1300 363 783 or email