QDN e-News 29 June 2023
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Australia’s Disability Strategy - Queensland Forum
Thank you to everyone who participated in Australia’s first forum for Australia’s Disability Strategy and Queensland’s state disability plan on Monday. The day was filled with inspiring discussions, profound insights, and a shared commitment to fostering an inclusive Queensland. In keeping with our motto Nothing About Us Without Us, the Forum showcased the diverse talent, skills, and abilities of people with disability.
The day wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our members – thank you to those who contributed to panel discussions, moderated, and were table hosts. A particular thank you to Uncle Willie, Cody, Alison, and Allycia. Together we have accomplished something very special; the level of engagement and participation during the forum was remarkable.
We had the privilege of hosting a range of guest speakers, including people with disability, who shared their personal stories and experiences, leaving a lasting impact on all attendees. Their voices echoed the importance of embracing diversity, promoting accessibility, and championing inclusion in every aspect of our lives.
We are excited to announce that the Voice of Queenslanders with Disability report was released at the Forum by the Minister for Child Safety and Minister for Seniors and Disability Services, the Hon Craig Crawford MP. The Voice of Queenslanders with Disability report provides insights gathered from a sample of 291 Queenslanders with disability, 117 family/carers and 34 organisational representatives.
You can access the report here: https://qdn.org.au/voice-of-queenslanders-with-disability-report/
QDN will share more information with members soon, including recordings of speakers and panel discussions, a report, and a survey. More information to come.
In Conversation with The Hon Cameron Dick MP, Queensland Treasurer and Minister for Investment
QDN recently attended the QCOSS ‘In Conversation with The Honourable Cameron Dick MP, Queensland Treasurer and Minister for Investment’, breakfast.
At the breakfast the Hon Cameron Dick MP, joined in a Q&A Conversation that discussed the 2023 State Budget. The Budget Breakfast was a wonderful opportunity to come together as a sector to find out how the budget will impact QDN, the social service sector and your community.
Stay tuned as we share further insights and updates on how the 2023 State Budget will impact QDN and the disability community. Together, we can make a difference!
For more information about the 2023 State Budget. Read here: https://qdn.org.au/queensland-budget-2023-key-points/
Information from Queensland Health about the flu
Influenza, or the flu is a highly contagious viral infection that you're more likely to get in winter. The best way to protect yourself is to get vaccinated every year and have good hygiene. You need a vaccine every year because the strains can change each year. The best time to get vaccinated is before the flu season starts.
This includes:
- staying at home if you're sick and not seeing other people
- washing your hands often with soap and water or using a hand sanitiser
- sneezing or coughing into your arm or a tissue
- throwing away used tissues and washing your hands after coughing or sneezing
- staying 1.5 metres (2 big steps) away from anyone who's coughing or sneezing
- cleaning surfaces like benches and desks with detergent or an anti-bacterial spray
- not sharing cups, glasses, cutlery, lip balm, toys or anything that may have touched someone else's mouth or nose.
You should consider wearing a mask if:
- they're vulnerable, or have a respiratory symptoms.
- are requested to be an individual healthcare provider
- are requested to by an individual, while inside their home (for context - if you're visiting someone who is particularly vulnerable inside their home, they can ask you to wear a mask).
If you're eligible for free vaccine under the National Immunisation Program (NIP), your GP or other vaccination service provider can vaccinate you.
Vaccination is free through the NIP for:
- all children aged 6 months to less than 5 years
- all people 65 and over
- pregnant people (and at any stage of pregnancy)
- people who are medically at risk
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples over 6 months of age.
Read more about when you should get vaccinated.
Publication of the 2023 Adult CHAP - Annual Health Assessments
Several actions in the National Roadmap for Improving the Health of People with Intellectual Disability focus on improving annual health assessments (AHAs) and uptake of the evidence-based Comprehensive Health Assessment Program (CHAP). The CHAP supports the identification of unmet health needs and improves primary care for people with intellectual disability. In November 2022, the Department of Health and Aged Care acquired a permanent licence to develop and publish the CHAP. An updated 2023 version of the CHAP for adults can now be accessed for free on the department’s website here: Adult Comprehensive Health Assessment Program (CHAP) – Annual Health Assessment for People with Intellectual Disability | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.
This document is also linked to on the department’s webpage on improving annual health assessments for people with intellectual disability.
An Easy Read version of Part 1 of the CHAP is being developed, as well as an alternative version for young people.
Disability Discrimination Commissioner advertisement | Applications open
The Australian Government is seeking expressions of interest for appointment to the full-time statutory position of Disability Discrimination Commissioner at the Australian Human Rights Commission. The advertisement and candidate pack can be accessed here.
The Disability Discrimination Commissioner is responsible for the promotion and advancement of rights of people with disability, including promoting understanding and compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. The candidate information pack includes a detailed description of the role, selection criteria and how to apply.
Applications close at 5pm on 30 June. Enquiries about the position can be emailed to appointments@ag.gov.au
Personalised transport industry survey results
In December 2022, the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads surveyed a range of people working in personalised transport to understand their needs, behaviours and attitudes about the industry.
Here are some of their insights:
Alcohol and drug affected passengers are the biggest concern for personal safety amongst drivers. 43% of taxi drivers are choosing to avoid certain locations because of safety concerns – which is an increase from results in previous years.
Consistent with previous years, taxi (25%), ridebooking (8%) and limousine (9%) drivers have refused passengers due to an accessibility issue. This is commonly due to not being able to fit or store a wheelchair or mobility scooter. However, 28% of WAT drivers say they avoid wheelchair jobs without a lift fee.
Cancel culture:
Ridebooking (59%) and limousine (18%) drivers say they've cancelled a job after accepting it. The most common reason is that the trip isn't profitable. Ridebooking drivers feel they don't get enough information about the trip before they accept it and that booking entities should be more upfront and transparent when listing jobs.
Australian Story produced an episode where half the interviewees were blind - this is what they learnt
A recent episode of Australian Story features Mick and Jamie, two people who are blind whose brilliant tech idea is transforming lives around the world. Their software could have made them rich but instead they've kept it free to help the blind community. Watch Australian Story's Blind Leading the Blind on ABC iview (AD option available) or ABC News In-Depth YouTube (or watch the AD version here)
Read the ABC article that discusses the producer’s learnings here: https://www.abc.net.au/news/backstory/2023-06-20/australian-story-blind-leading-blind-mick-curran-jamie-teh/102459988
Read the latest blogs from our QBloggers
Did you know QDN has its own blogging community? Being a QBlogger is a chance to grow and learn from one another's experiences and expertise and help generate ideas for future policy and advocacy work.
You can create a blog by filming a video, recording a podcast, or writing a post, with the QDN communications team available to support you if you need.
Read the latest posts here: https://qdn.org.au/membership/qbloggers/
Stay up to date with NDIS news
The NDIS eNewsletter is a fortnightly general email that brings you the latest NDIS news, events and participant stories. Sign up to this mailing list and keep up to date.
Research opportunities & surveys
Help improve road safety for children with a disability or medical condition
Austroads is undertaking a world-first, two-year research project to investigate harnesses and vests commonly used by children with disabilities and medical conditions when travelling in motor vehicles.
If your child uses this type of equipment, please share your experiences in the survey below and go in the draw to win one of ten $100 vouchers. The project is being delivered by MACA, in partnership with the George Institute for Global Health.
Find out more here.
Research project exploring the experiences of people with intellectual disability when going to the doctor
Do you have an intellectual disability? Researchers from the University of Queensland want to hear about what it’s like when you go to the doctor, to make going to the GP easier.
What will you have to do?
- Answer questions about going to the GP
- You can talk to us or answer questions over email
- It will only take up an hour of your time
Who can be part of the project?
- People 18 years and older
- People with intellectual disability and their supporters
To say thanks, they will give you a $50 gift card.
To be part of the My GP & Me project call 3163 1986 or email k.brooker1@uq.edu.au. More information here: https://qcidd.centre.uq.edu.au/research/my-gp-me
Research Participants Wanted - Understanding the barriers and enablers to reducing sedentary behaviour in desk-based workers with disability
Are you a desk worker with disability? Researchers from the University of Queensland want to speak to desk workers with disability (any type of disability) to complete a survey. It takes about 10 minutes to complete the online survey and you can go into a draw to win a $50 voucher.
Click here to view the eligibility requirements and survey.
Opportunity to share your experiences of navigating NDIS reviews and appeals
Researchers at Griffith University in Brisbane are looking at the decisions and decision-making processes that determine reasonable and necessary NDIS funded supports. The project is called Adjudicating NDIS Rights. If you’re 18 years or over with a NDIS funded support package and live in Greater Brisbane or North Queensland, we want to hear your experiences of requesting and undergoing a review or appeal of your funded supports.
The research team would like to learn about what’s working well for you and where challenges are by engaging with you in an interview (in-person, via phone or online). This project has ethical approval by Griffith University (2020/137). All information provided by you to help inform this project will be confidential.
To find out more please contact:
Eloise Hummell
Email: e.hummell@griffith.edu.au
Phone: 0404 458 894
Research project exploring the experiences of people with intellectual disability when having surgery
Have you had inpatient surgery under general anaesthetic within the last 6 months? Researchers from Western Sydney University would like to hear from people with intellectual disability about their experiences of meeting the surgeon, going to hospital and after coming home. Anyone interested in the study can talk to the researcher and find out more. Please contact: Jennifer Bur on email 19900911@student.westernsydney.edu.au.
The information from this research may assist the researcher and broader community to understand people with intellectual disability experiences when having inpatient surgery under general anaesthetic.

Out and about in Gympie
Digital Inclusion Project Officer Talulah recently visited the Gympie Peer Support Group to share information about the Digital Inclusion project and support members to be connected online. It’s great being to visit members in person – here is another shot of the Gympie PSG at one of their recent meetings.
Read the latest blogs from our QBloggers
Did you know QDN has its own blogging community? Being a QBlogger is a chance to grow and learn from one another's experiences and expertise and help generate ideas for future policy and advocacy work.
You can create a blog by filming a video, recording a podcast, or writing a post, with the QDN communications team available to support you if you need.
Read the latest posts here: https://qdn.org.au/membership/qbloggers/
Stay up to date with NDIS news
The NDIS eNewsletter is a fortnightly general email that brings you the latest NDIS news, events and participant stories. Sign up to this mailing list and keep up to date.
Policy update
On 23 June 2023, the Disability Reform Ministerial Council (DRMC) agreed to extend short-term NDIS transport remediation arrangements to 31 October 2025. This will enable NDIS participants to continue to access state and territory Taxi Subsidy Schemes to 31 October 2025 while a long-term transport policy for NDIS participants is developed.
Here is a summary of what the Council has heard from the community so far.
- Record investment to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for better outcomes for participants. Ministers noted the NDIS remains demand driven and agreed to continue to work together to improve sustainability.
- The fundamental role states and territories have as partners in the NDIS.
- The Commonwealth will open consultation with participants, providers, peaks and researchers on:
- Blended payments trials for the NDIS School Leavers Employment Supports program to improve employment outcomes and drive more innovative service delivery approaches to enable younger people in residential aged care to choose and move to more appropriate housing.
- Establishing an expert advisory panel to identify evidence-based assistive technology and other supports, and preferred provider panels, to make it easier for NDIS participants to access effective supports.
- Opportunities for collaboration to improve outcomes for people with disability in remote communities.
- Consultations for the National Autism Strategy and delivering pre-emptive early intervention pilots for infants with early signs of autism.
- Upcoming launch of Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) grant rounds with a total investment of $185 million, with preference given to state and territories sponsored proposals related to mainstream capacity building.
- Significant commitment in the 2023–24 May Budget to improve support for the one in six people in Australia with disability and delivering outcomes under Australia's Disability Strategy 2021–2031.
Increased Employment Opportunities in the tourism industry
The Disability Employment Local Navigators Pilot has been announced as an outcome of the 2022 Jobs and Skills Summit and will increase meaningful career opportunities in the tourism sector for people with disability. Organisations will receive funding under the Pilot for projects that support small and medium tourism businesses around regions such as Western Sydney, Wide Bay and Sunshine Coast, North Eastern and Western Melbourne, Adelaide and mid-north South Australia, Perth, Illawara South Coast, Gippsland and Cairns. The funding will be for recruiting, retaining and promoting employees with disability.
More information is available here.
Disability Royal Commission
Anglicare admits ‘it can and should do better’ after Royal Commission Report
(Content Warning)
Anglicare has accepted the six finding that came out of a report on a Disability Royal Commission case study around Niky* and her experiences of assault in a respite centre run by Anglicare Southern Queensland, examined in Public Hearing 17. Anglicare wrote to the Disability Royal Commission stating,
“Anglicare acknowledges that its actions in relation to the “Niky Case Study” departed from standard practice and its own policies and procedures. Anglicare recognises that it can and should do better going forward in order to ensure it is able to provide safe, high quality services.
‘Anglicare apologises unreservedly to “Niky” and her family.”
The DRC has recommended that Anglicare consult with Niky and her parents about any further redress and take immediate action to review its incident and complaint management and investigation systems in order to address gaps in the organisation’s approach to addressing allegations of sexual violence and abuse.
More information is available here. Public Hearing 17 summary available here.
New report finds many First Nations women with disability experience extreme violence
(Content warning)
A recent report released by the Disability Royal Commission found that First Nations women with disability experienced different types of violence, including extreme levels of violence from several partners. The report acknowledges the impact of colonisation, how it has resulted in trauma and how this passed down through generations of First Nations people, including those with disability as well as the ways in which experiences of racism and disadvantage can contribute to experiences of domestic and family violence and difficulties receiving support and assistance.
More information and full report available here.
Little help for people with disability leaving prison, report finds
Last month the Disability Royal Commission published a research report that aimed to understand what contributes to homelessness for people with disability exiting the justice system as well as the types of supports and interventions that could prevent this from happening.
More information and full report available here.
Publication of the 2023 Annual Adult Comprehensive Health Assessment Program
Within the National Roadmap for Improving the Health of People with Intellectual disability, there is a focus on improving annual health assessments (AHA’s) for people with intellectual disability, as well as uptake of the Comprehensive Health Assessment Program (CHAP). The CHAP is an evidence-based framework aimed at identifying unmet health needs and improving primary care for people with intellectual disability.
An updated 2023 version of the CHAP is now available on the Department of Health and Aged Care website. An Easy Read version of Part 1 of the CHAP is being developed, and an alternate version of the 2023 CHAP for young people is also under development.
The Department of Health and Aged Care will be hosting a workshop to inform the development of their communications strategy to promote and support engagement with Annual Health Assessments on 28th June from 1 – 2.15pm. If you would like to participate, contact QDN at qdn@qd.org.au or 1300 363 783.
More information is available here. Link to the 2023 version of the CHAP here.
Infrastructure and Transport Ministers Meeting
On 9th June 2023, the Infrastructure and Transport Ministers Meeting was held in Perth. The package to reform the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 was considered. The stories shared by people with disability about their experiences will help shape reforms. Ministers considered Stage 2 of the reforms and plan to use an approach that incorporates safeguards. Ministers are considering how best to publish the plans and report on their progress. Next steps will involve reforms proceeding to a Commonwealth Government approval process. ion Impact Statement are going to made available publicly after the approval process.
More information and the full communique is available here.
Priority report outlines actions to improve oral health of people with intellectual disability
The Australian Government has released a report named ‘Oral Health Priority Areas – Implementation Recommendations which includes recommendations that have come from the Roadmap Implementation Governance Group (RIGG).
- Expanding oral health promotion.
- Increasing the volume of services.
- Expanding workforce training.
More information and full report available here.
Positive Results from Down to 10 Days Campaign
The Down to 10 Days Campaign has been advocating for faster, more accurate decisions on housing support for NDIS participants. The Campaign commenced in March 2022 and the data on the campaign shows that just 11% of decisions took longer than 60 days down from 45% two months ago. The Campaign reveals that many people with disability are stuck living in unsuitable places whilst they wait for the NDIA to make a decision, and often without the right supports. Most decisions to approve funding for home and living support to people with disability are still taking over a month and there is still more that the NDIA can do to change this.
More information is available here.
Building a fair housing system for First Nations peoples living in Queensland
The Queensland Government is holding a consultation process around a new, four-year First Nations Housing and Homelessness Action Plan to help close the gap for First Nations peoples and communities. There are opportunities to complete an online survey, and/or attend a Yarning Circle near you.
More information is available here.
16th Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities
The 16th Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilites (COSP16) will be held from the 13th-15th of June 2023 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The Overarching theme of the conference is Harmonizing national policies and strategies with the CRPD: achievements and challenges. The sub themes are:
- Sub theme 1: Ensuring equal access to and accessibility of sexual and reproductive health services for persons with disabilities
- Sub theme 2: Digital accessibility for persons with disabilities
- Sub theme 3: Reaching the under-represented groups of persons with disabilities
More information is available here.
New national approach to First Nations gender justice
A new National Framework for Action for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women has been developed by First Nations Australian women amongst other approaches, highlighted at the Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices) National Summit at the National Convention Centre Canberra on Ngambri Country. There were over 800 First Nations Women who attended the summit to explore how Australian can support the rights, health, safety, wellbeing and prosperity of First Nations women and girls.
Recommendations that came from the summit include:
- Our voices, experiences and solutions to be centred in decision-making about our futures
- The recognition that our cultures are foundational to societal and ecological health and wellbeing
- The development of models for financial reinvestment through a First Nations gender lens
- Placing care at the heart of policy design
- Genuine and authentic collaborations to address and overcome systemic challenges
- Policies for First Nations women to embrace our voices equally in all their diversity, including sistergirls and transwomen, non-binary people, children and people with disability.
More information is available here.
Joint Committee into Australia’s Human Rights Framework
The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights are asking whether the Australian Parliament should enact a federal Human Rights Act and what elements should be included in the Act for those who believe they should. They are also asking about whether existing mechanisms are enough to protect human rights in a federal context. The committee asks submissions to be sent in by the 1st of July.
More information is available here.
What's on
Get Ready, Plan Ahead workshop in Boonah
Part A: Tuesday 4 July
Part B: Tuesday 11 July
Where: Carinity Fassifern Community Centre, 4 Little High Street, Boonah
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/get-ready-plan-ahead-boonah-workshop-tickets-628995050127
Peer Support Groups
- Brisbane Hot Topics, Friday 30 June, 9am – 12pm, QDN office – special NDIS review meeting
- Gympie Peer Support Group, Sunday 2 July, time, Rust Rails Café catch up for a coffee and chat
- QDN Y Peer Support Group, Monday 3 July, 4pm -5.30pm, online via Zoom
- Hot topics Peer Support Group, Friday 7 July, special catch-up meeting 9am-10am and 10am-12pm
- Gladstone Peer Support Group, Tuesday 11 July, 12.30pm – 2.30pm, location
- Gold Coast Peer Support Group, Friday 14 July, 10.30am– 12.30pm, Nerang Library
- Ipswich Peer Support Group, Saturday 15 July, 10am – 12pm, location
QDN visiting Cairns and Townsville
The QDN is heading north to Townsville and Cairns to catch up with you. Come and speak with members of the QDN team over a cup of coffee. All are welcome - whether you are an existing member or want to know more about QDN and our work. We hope to see you there!
When: Thursday 13 July
Time: 9-11am
Where: La Pizza, 93 Esplanade, Cairns City
When: Friday 14 July
Time: 12.30pm – 2.00pm
Where: Jam Café, 1 Palmer St, South Townsville
QDN Membership
If you or someone you know would like to be a QDN member apply here: https://qdn.org.au/membership/qdn-member-application/