Join the Gympie local Peer Support Group hosted by the Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN), the Executive Peak Body for people with disabilities in Gympie. The group offers a unique space for mutual support, empowerment, and advocacy.
Group Convenors, Emma and Michael host monthly meetings in Gympie, providing a welcoming environment where members can connect, share experiences, and discuss matters impacting their lives.
Local access is a key topic for the Gympie group.
Meeting Details:
- Date: First Friday of each Month
- Time: 9:30am -11:30am
- Location: Gympie RSL, 217 Mary Street, Gympie, QLD 4570
Note: Some light snacks and beverages will be provided.
No RSVP needed. For questions or special accommodations, contact us at
07 3252 8566 / 1300 363 783 or email
We look forward to seeing you. Please share this information with anyone who might benefit from our supportive community.
Click here for the QDN calendar. Type ‘Peer Support Group’ in the search area to find upcoming group meeting dates and times.
Group Convenor Michael Condon invited Gympie Mayor, Glen Hartwig, to join the Gympie Peer Support Group on Friday 4 June 2021 for a walk through the central Gympie high street, Mary Street. The group took the opportunity to talk with the Mayor about what is great about Mary Street for people with disability as well as where there are some accessibility challenges. Some of these areas include getting around shop signs on the footpath, accessing shops with steps, uneven pavement surfaces and for people using wheelchairs to reach pedestrian crossing buttons. The Mayor noted the feedback and happily chatted with group members. The Mayor also acknowledged Michael’s leadership within the Peer Support Group in bringing the issues to his attention. This is the second time the Mayor has been joined the Gympie Peer Support Group meeting, it is wonderful to have his support.
What's Happening
Gympie Peer Support Group October meeting – Getting ready for an emergency or disaster
14th October 2021Gympie Peer Support Group October meeting – Getting ready for an emergency or planner The Gympie Peer Support Group met on Friday 8th October to learn more about making a plan for an emergency or disaster. Michael Condon, Gympie Group Convenor invited guest speakers, Gympie Mayor Glen Hardwig and Peter Harkin from Queensland Fires and Emergency Services to talk about what a disaster or emergency is like in their community and what the Council and emergency services do during this time. ... Read MoreGympie Peer Support Group are helping people with disability prepare for emergencies
2nd September 2021Gympie Peer Support Group are helping people with disability prepare for emergencies Michael Condon, Gympie Peer Support Group Convenor has been active in the Gympie community, meeting with service providers and people with disability to promote the peer support group. Michael is passionate about the ... Read MoreGympie Peer Support Group
21st June 2021Gympie Peer Support Group Group Convenor Michael Condon invited Gympie Mayor, Glen Hartwig, to join the Gympie Peer Support Group on Friday 4 June 2021 for a walk through the central Gympie high street, Mary Street. The group took the opportunity to talk with the Mayor about what is great about Mary Street for people with disability as well as where there are some accessibility challenges. Some of these areas include getting around shop signs on the ... Read MoreQDN Local Support Groups videos launched
25th November 2019QDN Local Support Groups videos launched Recently at QDNs Annual General Meeting, two digital stories were launched for the first time to celebrate QDN’s local support groups work to inform, connect, lead and influence people with disabilities in local communities across Queensland. The digital stories showcase QDNs peer groups and the work of peer groups across the State. QDN has 20 local support groups, operating ... Read MoreWhy Come Along To A Local Support Group?
28th October 2019Why Come Along To A Local Support Group? QDN has 20 Peer Local Support Groups in communities across Queensland that meet in person and virtually. The groups are led by people with disability for people with disability. Hear from QDN’s Local Support Group Convenors about the benefits of being part of a peer network and why you should come along in the below video. ... Read More
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