Join the Gold Coast Local Peer Support Group hosted by the Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN), the executive peak body for people with an intellectual disability living in the Gold Coast region. The group offers a unique space for mutual support, empowerment, and advocacy.

Group Convenor, Rob, hosts monthly meetings at Gold Coast, providing a welcoming environment where members with an intellectual disability can connect, share experiences, and discuss matters impacting their lives.
The group also have regular social events like catching up over lunch or dinner.

Meeting Details:

  • Date: First Friday of each month
  • Time: 10:30am - 12:30pm
  • Location: Southport Library, Corner Garden and Lawson St, Southport, QLD 4215

Note: Some light snacks and beverages will be provided.

No RSVP needed. For questions or special accommodations, contact us at

07 3252 8566 / 1300 363 783 or email

We look forward to seeing you. Please share this information with anyone who might benefit from our supportive community.

Rob Ellis head shot picture.

A man and a lady standing in front of a light brick wall, smiling. The man has his arms crossed with one hand pointing towards the lady.

Introducing Rob Ellis, the Gold Coast Hot Topics Peer Support Group group convenor.

"Come and check it out and be yourself. Everyone is welcome!" Rob Ellis

Watch the Gold Coast Hot Topics Digital story

The Peer Support Hot Topics group talk about the importance of being prepared for a disaster and the work they did around the Person-Centered Emergency Preparedness.

Click hereto watch the video.

Click here for the QDN calendar. Type ‘Peer Support Group’ in the search area to find upcoming group meeting dates and times.

Two men having a drink. The man on the left is in a wheel chair and wearing a blue and orange shirt and the man on the right is wearing a black and green branded shirt. They are in a bar lunge with a table in front of them and are both laughing.

“It is so important to really listen to people’s stories, so they feel like they have a voice and are being heard.”

Robert Ellis, Gold Coast Hot Topics.

What's Happening

  • A Yellow Queensland Rail train arriving at platform.Group Convenor Profile – Rob Ellis
      Rob Ellis Gold Coast Hot Topics Peer Support Group Why did you join QDN? To be included in my local community and to have a say about issues impacting people with disability. What has been good about becoming part of the group? Friendship, being out in the community and being able to communicate with others and share knowledge which is what I love to do.   What has been one of the groups achievements? Long lasting, staying together, and friendship. One of the groups achievements was ... Read More
  • QDN Local Support Groups videos launched
    QDN Local Support Groups videos launched Recently at QDNs Annual General Meeting, two digital stories were launched for the first time to celebrate QDN’s local support groups work to inform, connect, lead and influence people with disabilities in local communities across Queensland. The digital stories showcase QDNs peer groups and the work of peer groups across the State. QDN has 20 local support groups, operating ... Read More
  • Why Come Along To A Local Support Group?
    Why Come Along To A Local Support Group? QDN has 20 Peer Local Support Groups in communities across Queensland that meet in person and virtually. The groups are led by people with disability for people with disability. Hear from QDN’s Local Support Group Convenors about the benefits of being part of a peer network and why you should come along in the below video. ... Read More