QDN has developed this 2024 State Government Election Platform in consultation with our members who are actively engaged in their local communities and understand that this election represents an important opportunity to build communities where people with disability are recognised and valued.
We are asking all candidates across Queensland to respond to each of the below policy commitments to ensure Queenslanders with disability and their friends, family and supporters are more informed before casting their votes on Saturday, 26 October 2024.
QDN is seeking commitments from all candidates running in the 2024 State Government election to:
- Invest in leadership development of Queenslanders with disability.
- Implement disability training for all Queensland Government staff including cultural competency and conscious and unconscious bias training.
- Implement the recommendations in Game Changers: Developing an inclusive employment legacy from the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games developed by Urbis and QDN released in May 2024.
- Implement the recommendations in Breaking The Glass Ceiling And Smashing The Legacy Of Low Expectations, a QDN position paper on the economic security of women with disability in Queensland.
- Improve enforcement of tenancy rights, including providing support for people with disability to lodge complaints.
- Increase availability of accessible and inclusive healthcare and mental healthcare that meets the needs of all people with disability who may identify as women with disability, LGBTIQA+, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse and/or First Nations. This includes expanding telehealth access.
- Fund programs that deliver devices, data and build the digital skills of people with disability.
- To read all the priority areas, click the link below for the 2024 State Government Election advocacy kit.
State Election Advocacy Kit
State Government Election Advocacy Kit - Accessible Click here
State Election Platform (Full)
State Government Election Platform (Full) Click here
State Government Election Platform (Full) - Accessible Click here
State Election Platform (Summary)
State Government Election Platform (Summary) Click here
State Government Election Platform (Summary) - Accessible Click here
Download My Disability Matters - Conversation Cards
Conversation Cards can be used to express your feelings or to highlight the issues that matter most to you. Click here

Voting Information for people with disability The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) provides assistance for people with disability to ensure they are not disadvantaged from participating in the electoral system.
For more information »about the Australian Electoral Commission.