How to follow the new rules & safely wear a mask
Developed by Queenslanders with Disability Network
Current as of 11 January 2021
New mask rules
- The new rules are in place for the next 10 days through to 1am, Friday 22 January in the Greater Brisbane region
- You must carry a mask at all times when outside
- Masks must be worn in indoor places including shopping centres, gyms, places of worship, on public transport, and in taxis
- Masks must be worn in workplaces if social distancing isn’t possible and it’s safe to do so
- You do NOT need to wear a mask in private vehicles, while outdoors at a safe distance from other people, or if you’re doing exercise
- A person affected by a medical or mental health condition or disability may be exempt from wearing a mask under Queensland Health exemptions
- You do NOT need to wear a mask inside your home, however, a carer or support worker must wear a mask when working in your home
- You do NOT need to wear a mask when communicating with those who are deaf or where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication
Source: Queensland Health
How to wear a mask safely
- Wash your hands with soap and water before touching the mask
- Check the mask for any damages or dirt
- Cover your mouth, nose, and chin with the mask
- Adjust the mask so there are no gaps on the side
- Avoid touching the mask once you’ve put it on
- Clean your hands before removing the mask
- Use the straps to remove the mask and pull it away from your face
- Wash fabric masks with soap or detergent, preferably with hot water, at least once a day
- Clean your hands after removing the mask
Source: World Health Organization and Council for Intellectual Disability