Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) means making sure that the needs and voices of people with disability are included in emergency management and disaster planning.
QDN is leading and working in partnership with others on projects that are focused on helping people with disability make a plan for a disaster or emergency.
We are working with the Centre for Disability Research and Policy at the University of Sydney, Community Services Industry Alliance (CSIA), and the Queensland Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy. As part of this work, we have developed a range of resources, co-designed with people with disability. People with disability are making their own plans in case disaster strikes.
Building Inclusive Disaster Resilient Communities (BIDRC)
BDIRC is a community-led partner project initiative bringing together key stakeholders - people with disability, local Council, emergency services, disability service providers, and other local community leaders over the next two years to co-design and co-lead local strategies and initiatives to increase community resilience to disaster, within the framework of DIDRR in five local government areas of Somerset, Lockyer Valley, Livingstone, Scenic Rim, and Southern Downs.
P-CEP Peer Leadership Program
QDN has been working with people with disability in Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia, and the Australian Capital Territory to build their leadership skills and capacity to help make their own plan and support others with Person-Centered Emergency Preparedness. P-CEP Peer Leaders raise awareness of needs of all people with disability to their peers, community, service providers and emergency and disaster management teams.
P-CEP Resources and Videos
Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness helps to match the supports people with disability need for their health and safety in emergency planning. The ‘Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness Workbook’ is a practical conversation guide and planning tool for use by people with disability to tailor their emergency preparedness to their individual support needs.

“I used the Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness capability wheel to prioritise my support needs in emergencies. Making a plan has made me more mentally prepared for what I will do in a disaster.” QDN Member
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