The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability was established in April 2019 in response to community concern about widespread reports of violence against, and the neglect, abuse and exploitation of, people with disability. These incidents might have happened recently or a long time ago. It is a critical milestone in bringing about change. QDN participates in the Royal Commission by making submissions to its Inquiries.
Australian Government Progress Update on the Disability Royal Commission
On 13 March 2024 the Federal Government released a progress update on its consideration of the Disability Royal Commission final report and its recommendations. The progress update outlines the work and consultations Government is undertaking before formally responding to the recommendations.
Key points:
- The date for Federal Government’s response to the Final Report has been pushed out to mid-June 2024.
- The Disability Royal Commission Taskforce has been established and will continue to engage with people with disability, their families and carers throughout 2024 to support the government’s response and establish arrangements to monitor and report on implementation.
- Prioritisation and timing of the reforms are being carefully considered by Government to ensure changes are delivered in a staged and sustainable way to include deeper consultation and co-design.
- The progress update includes work the Government started before the release of the report including actions under Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031, the new Disability Services and Inclusion Act and significant NDIS reforms including the NDIS Review.
- The Government acknowledges the strong community interest in education, employment and housing particularly around segregated settings and will continue to consult with people with disability, their families and carers to understand the diverse views before formally responding.
The progress update is available in Easy Read, Auslan, Braille and large print here Australian Government Progress Update on the Disability Royal Commission | Department of Social Services, Australian Government (
Summary of QDN’s 2023 Disability Royal Commission forums (health, housing, employment)
Summary of QDN’s 2024 Disability Royal Commission education forum
Submissions and consultations
The purpose of the Commission is to transform community attitudes and bring about changes to policies and practices that have exposed people with disability to violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation that denied them ‘full and effective participation and inclusion in society’.
The most important part of the Disability Royal Commission’s work is the engagement with people with disability, their families and supporters.
QDN will continue to provide submissions to the Disability Royal Commission as requests and issues papers are released.
In the past we have consulted with members to make submissions about:
- QDN Submission DRC Recommendations final 2024
- QDN Submission DRC Recommendations final 2024 Accessible
- QDN Disability Royal Commission Forums 2023
- QDN Response - Disability Royal Commission’s Education and Learning Issues Paper
- Disability Royal Commission’s Education and Learning Issues Paper QDN Response December 2019 Accessible
- Disability Royal Commission’s Draft Accessibility Strategy QND Submission Sept 2019 Accessible
- Disability Royal Commission’s Draft TOR for a Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability QDN Submission Feb 2019 (Accessible Version)

QDN resources
Watch this space for current resources around the Disability Royal Commission.
Click here to head to QDN's full list of resources.
Latest news
External links
To participate in the Disability Royal Commission, write submissions, respond to discussion papers, attend hearings or to tell your story click here.
If you are affected by the themes of the Disability Royal Commission and would like some free and independent support, you can call the Blue Knot Foundation on 1800 421 468.
You can also video conference, SMS, and web chat with them. Click here to visit the Blue Knot Foundation website.