We believe older persons with disability have the right to participate in society, socially and economically.
We believe our communities need to be age-friendly and inclusive of older persons with disability.
We believe that older persons with disability have the right to access the services and supports they need as they age, without discrimination. This includes mainstream services like health, housing, justice, aged care and disability support.
We believe that older persons with disability have the right to independence and advocacy that upholds their dignity as equal citizens.
We believe that older persons with disability have the right to live their life free from abuse, neglect and exploitation.
Submissions and consultations
QDN believes that people with disability have the right to access the full range and highest available standards of services as they age including health and housing, disability supports, aged care, end of life, and palliative care services.
Our members experience multiple issues when accessing services as they age and the impact this has on people with disability. We know that people with disability must be part of the solution. They should be actively involved in the planning, design, delivery and evaluation of services and systems as they get older.
QDN has made the following policy submissions and engaged in advocacy around:
- QDN Response - Achieving greater consistency in laws for financial enduring powers of attorney - 2023
- QDN Response - Achieving greater consistency in laws for financial enduring powers of attorney - Accessible Version - 2023
- QDN Submission – Queensland Parliament Inquiry into Aged Care, Palliative Care and End of Life, June 2019 (PDF 552kb)
- QDN Submission – Royal Commission Quality and Safety Aged Care (Word 26kb)
- QDN Submission – Voluntary Assisted Dying (PDF 337kb)

“The importance of an independent voice to support older Queenslanders with disabilities to direct their lives and supports cannot be underestimated.”
Rachel (QDN Member)
Disability Doesn't Discriminate
QDN has joined The Disability Doesn’t Discriminate campaign, which is a national advertising campaign launched to pressure the Government to change laws and to allow older disabled people to access the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). This campaign is brought to you by Spinal Life Australia that has been advocating for people living with a disability for the past 60 years.
You can support this campaign by signing the petition HERE.