We believe that everyone has the right to work. We want to make sure that people with disability have options and choice in their employment, the right support to find and keep a job and equal pay.
We know that there are lots of barriers to employment for people with disability. We believe it’s important to remove these barriers and have good systems in place that help people learn and work.
Submissions and consultations
Ensuring people with disability have a voice on issues that affect them is at the heart of what we do.
Our members experience multiple issues when dealing with the employment market. We know that people with disability must be part of the solution. They should be actively involved in the design, conduct and evaluation of the jobs market.
Disability Action Week Employment Forum - Driving workforce diversity, inclusion, and innovation - 10 December 2021
If you would like to watch the video from the event head here.
In the past we have consulted with members to make submissions about:
- QDN Response to the Establishing a Disability Employment Centre of Excellence Options Paper October 2023
- QDN Response to the Establishing a Disability Employment Centre of Excellence Options Paper - Accessible Version - October 2023
- Job and Skills Summit: Response to Outcomes and Issues Paper
- The National Disability Employment Strategy QDN Submission 2021
- A Strong Future for Supported Employment QDN Submission 2018
- QDN Submission – New Disability Employment Framework, 2015 - Accessible Version
- Response to the National Disability Employment Framework Consultation, 2015
- Welfare to Work, The Move Towards Social Division: Proposed Social, Welfare and Employment Changes Aimed at People with Disability. 2015

Member story
“We need to work toward improving the unemployment rate of people with disability within the mainstream workforce.”
“You just have to be creative about how you make it work. You have got to be confident and if you really like something, do it.”