Queenslanders with disability, families, carers, advocacy organisations and service providers have raised issues regarding proposed changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
The Commonwealth Minister of the NDIS, Minister Reynolds announced a pause to the rollout of the reforms and is undertaking further consultation with the disability sector and with State and Territory Governments. The Queensland government has an important role as a partner with the NDIS.
An online forum was held on 19 May 2021 to give Queenslanders with disability, families, carers, advocacy organisations and service providers a chance to hear from a number of speakers and provide feedback about the issues and potential solutions. Speakers included NDIS participants, families and service providers' representatives.
NDIS Reforms – pause, reset, co-design
Over 200 people participated in the NDIS Reforms: pause, reset, co-design forum held on 19 May 2021.
The feedback from forum participants about the NDIS reforms will inform the Queensland Government and Minister for Seniors and Disability Services in this stewardship role.
The forum was hosted by seven partner organisations including Queenslanders with Disability Network, Queenslander Alliance for Mental Health, ADA Australia (ATSIDNQ), National Disability Service, Community Services Industry Alliance, Queensland Advocacy Inc and Parent to Parent Queensland.
Participants at the forum gave feedback that they felt the Commonwealth Government and NDIA had made decisions about reforms and designed a response without meaningful consultation with people with disability, families, service providers and the sector. In this context, participants questioned whether what the NDIA refers to as 'Independent Assessors' are independent at all.
The stories presented by NDIS participants at the forum about their experience of undergoing Independent Assessment demonstrate the flaws in the Independent Assessment process.
On 21 June 2021, the Summary Report of the NDIS reforms forum was sent to the Hon Craig Crawford MP Minister for Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and was also widely circulated.
You can read the full Summary Report at the link below, which on page 11, you will find recommendations on the NDIS reforms.
Click here for the NDIS reforms forum Summary Report
NDIS Reforms Update
The Minister for the NDIS Senator, the Honourable Linda Reynolds, announced on Friday 9 July 2021 that the plan to introduce Independent Assessments will “not proceed”. Her press release after Friday 9 July Disability Reform Council Meeting of State and Territory Ministers meeting can be found here.
The Disability Reform Ministers released the communique from their meeting and you can read the summary of the meeting here.
Queensland Minister for Disability Services the Honourable Craig Crawford MP said he received many emails from Queenslanders with disability saying that they didn’t want Independent Assessments to go forward.

Member Quote “Don’t do anything that compromises the integrity of the original (NDIS) goals. Treat people with dignity, respect and fairness. If a review is necessary, do it across the whole scheme not just on one aspect – planning.””