QDN has a range of part-time and full-time positions which become available from time to time. We are an equal opportunity employer.People with disability are at the centre of all the work that we do. We believe there is ‘nothing about us without us’ and we encourage people with disability to apply.

Jobs you can apply for:


Project Officer:
Project Officer - Job in Brisbane & Gold Coast - Queenslanders with Disability Network
(Closes Friday, 28 Feb)

Management Accountant:

Management Accountant - Job in Brisbane & Gold Coast - Queenslanders with Disability Network
(Closes Friday, 7 March)

A group of men and women in yellow Stand with us Campaign shirts taking a group selfie.

“The team at QDN are all very passionate and motivated to support their community and to work together for better outcomes for people with disability.”

QDN Staff Member

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