Nerine Williams

Nerine lives in Brisbane with her husband, their two children and their dog. Nerine is a proudly Autistic, multiply disabled advocate who experiences physical, cognitive, and sensory challenges. Nerine describes herself as an assistive technology enthusiast, searching out AT that gives her a feeling of joy and collaborating with WA-Based AT Chat on several projects. Nerine also enjoys crafting, cooking, learning new things and meeting new people.

Nerine is a QDN member who actively participates in Peer Support and focus groups as well as advocating through QDeNgage.

Nerine’s professional qualifications include a Masters of Management (Human Resources), Graduate Diploma of Management and Graduate Certificate in Information Systems. Her non-linear career has been centred on education and stakeholder consultation and has spanned the fields of human resources, information systems, governance, and leadership. Nerine has lived experience of disability in metropolitan, rural and remote Australia including navigating education, employment, NDIS, and the health sector. Eighteen months ago, Nerine started the Brisbane support group for people with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) and is now working with other members to build a QLD-wide community.

Nerine is described by others as being generous in sharing knowledge and she has a particular talent for connecting people with resources and each other to get better outcomes. She is keen to learn about other people’s experiences to better understand the challenges faced by people with disability and to help make informed decisions that best represent the priorities and needs of QDN members and their families. Nerine applies her quirky thinking and problem-solving skills in combination with her lived experience to contribute to her community. She is passionate about accessibility for all Queenslanders, particularly in the areas of education, employment, and healthcare

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