Josh Marshall

Hello I’m Josh. I’m 38 years of age, married with 2 children (8 and 10) and have been living with MS since I was 23. I have used a wheelchair for the last 5 years and am passionate about equality and inclusion inour community. I am an Access Consultant (Diploma of Access Consultancy), I have completed a Masters of Disability and Inclusion. I also have a Bachelor of Nursing with a Masters in Critical Care and Graduate Certificates in both chronic disease management and diabetes management. I also have a Cert 4 in Training & Assessment and have completed several other studies in leadership and management.

I commenced my NFP business, Inclusion Access, in 2018 and currently work as an Access Consultant, Inclusive Practices educator and disability advocate. I also keynote and discuss the challenges and barriers living with disability and how to overcome.

My Voluntary Community Contribution:
I am a member of the Queensland Disability Network and attend monthly meetings. I am a Community Champion Host and leader who often engages in projects allowing better access in Queensland with QDN. I am a member of QCOSS (Queensland Council of Social Service) and regularly participate in activities,including tele-conferences for the betterment of this organisation and its outreach.

I am also an enthusiastic supporter of the NDIS Community Capacity Building Inclusion Group, meeting monthly to be updated at a grassroots level of what is happening in disability in the community and how
accessibility can be better achieved.

I am a member of Spinal Life Qld. Meetings are held bi-monthly and this is a highly respected advocacy organisation.

I am a member of the RADAC (Regional Access Disability Advisory Committee) to Toowoomba Regional Council. RADAC advises TRC regarding improving accessibility in the region.

Current situation:
My disability and its progression is somewhat unpredictable. There are times when I have chronic debilitating pain, times when my legs feel like lead weights, times when fatigue is unbearable, times when many of my other now permanent changes seem too much to manage; times of depression and grief. However, in all of these times, my values of respect, honour and dignity toward all individuals never wavers. Everyone has a role to play in community and I believe disability advocacy is my greatest role in life.

My Vision:
My plan is to work with both Governmental and non-Governmental agencies to improve the education, understanding and empathy for those living with disability.

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