Three men sitting around a table, one in a emergency services uniform. One man taking notes and the man in the uniform is explaining something.

Domestic and Family Violence is an important issue for people with disability. QDN works with Governments around the needs for people with disability experiencing Domestic and Family Violence.

Submissions and consultations

A man and a woman, both in wheel chairs facing each other talking, in front of a white brick wall and there is a bright yellow painted arrow on the ground,

Member story on it's way

Watch this space!

Read moreabout this member story.

QDN resources

QDN members have shared their perspectives in a series of four videos. These videos were developed by QDeNgage for WorkUP Queensland, with the aim of educating workers in the domestic and family violence sector on how to better support people with disability experiencing domestic and family violence.

Video 1: Prevent - Why does DFV happen more to women with disability?

Video 2: Recognise - What does DFV look like for women with disability?

Video 3: Respond – How do I respond?

Video 4: Refer - Who do we need to connect with?

External links

To participate in the Disability Royal Commission, write submissions, respond to discussion papers, attend hearings or to tell your story click here. 

If you are affected by the themes of the Disability Royal Commission and would like some free and independent support, you can call the Blue Knot Foundation on 1800 421 468.

You can also video conference, SMS, and web chat with them. Click here to visit the Blue Knot Foundation website.