QDN e-News Update - 5 February 2025
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Queensland Disability Reforms: Working with the Community
Queensland is working on the disability reforms that includes the Disability Royal Commission and the NDIS Review. The Queensland Disability Stakeholder Engagement and Co-Design Strategy was released in late 2024 to put people with disability at the heart of disability reform processes through co-design.
The Strategy will support delivery of the Queensland Disability Reform Framework.
A key part of work to implement these reforms is engaging and co-designing with the disability community including people with disability, families, disability providers, peak bodies, advocacy as well as local, state and federal Government agencies.
Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) are leading the implementation of the Strategy.
Get involved and find out more: https://qdn.org.au/qld-disability-reforms/
Community forums 10-14 February – register now
To start, QDN in partnership with the Department of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety are running community forums across Queensland to share information about the Strategy and how people with disability and stakeholders can be involved in co-designing disability reforms. The forums will also offer the opportunity to provide input into disability reform planning.
Register for the Community Forums: https://qdn.org.au/community-forums/
Governance committee and Co-design Team: Play an active role – apply now
QDN are seeking expressions of interest from people with lived experience or expertise in disability who are interested in being part of the Strategy, including in governance roles or as co-designers of disability reforms.
Expressions of interest are sought for membership of:
- the Disability Reform Implementation Stakeholder Committee, which will oversee the delivery of the Strategy.
- the Co-design Team, which will help design and deliver engagement processes and create and test ideas to generate and inform disability policy and program solutions.
To find out more about the Expressions of interest click here
To learn more about Disability Reforms: Working with the Community, click here: https://qdn.org.au/qld-disability-reforms/
The Hon. Amanda Rishworth MP
The Hon. Amanda Rishworth MP has taken on the role of Minister for the NDIS, following the retirement of the Hon Bill Shorten MP. On 29 January 2025, The Australian Federal Government, all state and territory governments and the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA), reaffirmed their commitment to building a more inclusive Australia, where all people with disability can participate on an equal basis, through the release of the updated Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031.
Governments have established new Targeted Action Plans (TAPs) under the Strategy to apply intensive focus on Community Attitudes, Safety, Rights and Justice and Inclusive Homes and Communities – all areas of critical importance to people with disability.
QDN looks forward to working with Minister Rishworth in her new role to progress the important reforms of the NDIS and deliver on the outcomes of the NDIS Review for Queenslanders with disability and Australia's Disability Strategy.
Read the full announcement by clicking here.
QDN Emerging Leaders Program – applications close this week.
Thank you to everyone who has applied for the 2025 Emerging Leaders Program. There's still time to apply before it closes at 9:00am Friday, 7 February 2025.
Learn more about the Emerging Leaders Program 2025 and apply, here.
NDIA Announcement
NDIA have announced they have extended the timeframe to provide extra information for eligibility reassessments, from 28 days to 90 days.
Learn more: ndis.gov.au
Psychosocial Support Program extended for two years
The Commonwealth Government's Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) announcement includes a two-year extension of The Commonwealth Psychosocial Support Program, ensuring continued support for people with severe psychosocial challenges.
The extension provides crucial funding certainty for psychosocial support services
- This decision aligns with recent advocacy efforts addressing unmet needs both within, and outside the NDIS
- The extension allows time for development of a comprehensive national plan while maintaining essential services
QDN welcomes the MYEFO package which includes several other initiatives, consisting of single-year extensions, and a commitment to maintaining vital support services.
For more detailed information about the MYEFO announcement, visit the official budget website: budget.gov.au
Voice of Queensland with Disability Survey – coming soon
The Voice of Queensland with Disability is a research initiative designed for people with disability, their families/caregivers, and organizational representatives. The survey, led by the Dignity Project from Griffith University in collaboration with the Queenslanders with Disability Network and Inclusive Futures, is proudly supported by the Queensland Government. It seeks to understand what is working well and what challenges remain in the lives of people with disability.
To find out more and read previous years’ surveys, click on the links below.
- Voice of Queenslanders with Disability Survey (Jan 23, 2024)
- Voice of Queenslanders with Disability Report 2024 (Aug 15, 2024)
Policy submissions
QDN members are encouraged to reach out to the policy team to be involved in our submission writing. Email qdn@qdn.org.au or call 1300 363 783 to have a conversation with the policy team.
Submissions the policy team is working on:
- Aviation Customer Rights Charter
- Inquiry into Volunteering in Queensland
- Platform Providers mandatory registration
- Supported independent living (SIL) and support coordination mandatory registration
- Inquiry into Elder Abuse
Submissions the policy team has completed since the last e-news
NDIS updates
NDIS Reform Advisory Committee
El Gibbs and Dougie Herd have been appointed as co-chairs of the new NDIS Reform Advisory Committee. The committee was recommended by the independent review of NDIS. The term of reference is currently being finalised. https://ministers.dss.gov.au/media-releases/17331
Platform Provider consultation
Platform Provider consultation will build on the significant engagement with participants, workers and Platform Providers that occurred as part of the NDIS Commission's Own Motion Inquiry into Platform Providers.
The purpose of this consultation paper is to seek community feedback about registering all Platform Providers with the NDIS Commission to deliver NDIS supports.
Have your say on Platform Providers mandatory registration. Submissions open until 7 March 2025
Supported independent living (SIL) and support coordination mandatory registration
To progress mandatory registration of SIL and support coordination, the NDIS Commission is consulting on:
- Changes to registration requirements and arrangements
Implementation and transition approaches
- Understanding practical implications for participants, their supporters and providers.
Have your say on SIL and support coordination mandatory registration. Submissions open to 7 March 2025.
NDIS events- Introducing changes to NDIS legislation
This event will deliver an overview of the NDIS Bill amendments, provider further information on some of the key changes and provide an opportunity for Q&A at the end.
For providers: Thursday 6 February from 11am to 12pm. RSVP by 5 February https://www.ndis.gov.au/events/10503-introducing-changes-ndis-legislation-providers
For Support Coordinators: Tuesday 11 February from 11am – 12pm. RSVP by 10 February https://www.ndis.gov.au/events/10556-introducing-changes-ndis-legislation-support-coordinators
For Plan Managers: Wednesday 12 February from 3pm to 4pm. RSVP by 11 February
Policy update
Policy Submissions
QDN members are encouraged to reach out to the policy team to be involved in our submission writing. Email qdn@qdn.org.au or call 1300 363 783 to have a conversation with the policy team.
The National Autism Strategy
The National Autism Strategy 2025-2031 was released was released that provides an outline of a vision of inclusion for people with Autism.
Our colleagues at the National Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Disability Health Jim Simpson was awarded the Officer of Australia (AO), and Professor Julian Troller was awarded Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for their advocacy and service to the disability community.
Aviation Customer Rights Charter
The Aviation White Paper, released on 26 August 2024, committed to establishing a new Aviation Customer Rights Charter that will outline obligations airlines and airports have towards their customers. In addition to the charter, there will also be a separate co-design process of aviation specific disability standards to make sure travel will be accessible and inclusive of all people with a disability.
Have your say about the Aviation Customer Rights Charter and keep up to date about the aviation disability standards. Submissions open to 28 February 2025.
Inquiry into Elder Abuse
The Queensland state government has announced an inquiry into elder abuse. A joint report into elder abuse by the Qld Government and Uniting Care revealed that social abuse that is a form of coercive control increased by 7% and neglect of older people increased by 24% during the 2023-2024 period.
Have your say about the inquiry into elder abuse. Submissions open to 10 April 2025.
Introducing the Housing Hub
As Australia’s leading accessible housing platform, the Housing Hub is dedicated to creating positive social change by helping people. They specialise in helping people with disability find suitable housing and access a variety of support options.
Our impact spans three key areas:
- Digital Property and Provider Search: They offer an online platform for finding accessible housing and related services
- Learning and Development: They provide free information for people with disability and their supporters to enhance their skills and knowledge, including webinar sessions, guides and resources
- Specialist Services: They deliver services for Housing Seekers to achieve quality housing outcomes
They also provide the NDIS Housing Advice Line.
The Housing Hub has a free NDIS Housing Advice Line for Housing Seekers and their supporters that operates Monday-Friday, 10am-3pm (AEDT). Callers who contact us outside of this timeframe can leave a message for our experts to get back to them ASAP.
The line can help you to:
- Understand NDIS home and living options
- Access information about home and living supports
- Receive info on the process to apply for NDIS home and living supports
Call today on 1300 61 64 63, or email housingoptions@housinghub.org.au http://www.housinghub.org.au/
Federal Election Platform
We were very appreciative of the member feedback we received during the election forum at the end of 2024. We are currently working on the draft 2025 election platform.
Some of the key commitments focus on NDIS reform, Foundational Supports, inclusive employment and financial security, stronger disability legislation and reform to protect our rights, safety and wellbeing, affordable and inclusive housing and transport. We will keep you updated about the election platform.
What's on
Stay updated on what’s happening with the Peer Support Group, DIDRR Workshops, and Policy Forums, on our website. You can find this information under the 'Events' page and check the QDN Calendar for upcoming events
Events: https://qdn.org.au/events/
QDN Membership – spread the word
Do you know someone who should be a QDN member? Share this link them so they can have their voices heard and connect with peers and support networks across Queensland.
QDN Membership Application: https://qdn.org.au/membership/qdn-member-application/
From our Allies
Important information from the Centre (National Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Disability Health)
The Centre’s 2025 conference – registrations open
QDN is a proud member of the National Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Disability. The Centre's 2025 conference on 3-4 of July is now open for registration. The conference theme is ‘Working together every step of the way’ and will explore ways to rethink health care for people with intellectual disability.
Find out more and register for the conference: Intellectual disability health conference 2025
Innovation Seed Funding Grants – applications open
Applications for the Centre’s 2025 Innovation Seed Funding Grants are now open. You can read more information abouts the grants here.
The information is also available in Easy Read here.
Career Visions
Applications for Career Visions 2025 are open now, closing 21 February 2025. Career Visions supports participants to develop job readiness skills to enter the workforce. They are inviting expressions of interest from our blind and low vision community to undertake the program across two intakes between 2025 and 2026.
If you are a school leaver looking for your first job, transitioning between industries due to vision loss, a parent returning to work, or you just want to gain new skills to develop your career prospects, this program may be for you!
Based in Brisbane, Career Visions will assist you to:
- attain a Certificate 1 in Workplace Skills (Business) at South Bank TAFE
- build confidence and independence
- undertake a range of learning activities to meet your employment goals
- advance your computer knowledge and adaptive technology usage
- engage in themed sessions
- attend workplace visits
- receive work attire
- work on individual and group-based projects
- be supported with social and financial assistance
- undertake a work placement with a host employer to further develop your employment skills and experience.
The program will be held onsite at Vision Australia (Coorparoo), South Bank TAFE and a host employer workplace running for 23 weeks at 25 hours per week. You will be paid an award wage to complete the program as an employee of Vision Australia funded by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training under the Work Skills funding stream.
They are running two intakes, so you can apply to both or preference one:
Intake 1: 7 April 2025 – 12 September 2025 (Monday to Friday)
Intake 2: 22 September 2025 - 27 February 2026 (Monday to Friday)
An information session will be held on 10 February in person and online.
Learn more and express your interest in Career Visions intakes for 2025, by emailing Harmonie Downes, Career Visions Program Coordinator at: harmonie.downes@visionaustralia.org
To stay updated on what’s happening with the Peer Support Group, and Policy Forums, please visit our website. You can find this information under the 'Events' page and the QDN Calendar for upcoming events.
QDN Membership
If you or someone you know would like to be a QDN member apply here: https://qdn.org.au/membership/qdn-member-application/