QDN e-News Video September 2022 Week 1
Queensland Workforce Strategy
The Queensland Workforce Strategy 2022-2032 is the first whole-of-government workforce strategy produced by the Queensland Government. It delivers on the outcomes of the Queensland Workforce Summit, held in March 2022. The Strategy delivers innovative and practical solutions to ensure Queensland has a ready workforce to support growth, strengthen our communities and keep Queensland at the forefront of new economic opportunities such as the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
For more information click here »
National Building Code Changes
Congratulations to Minister de Brenni for championing accessibility standards at a national level with the announcement this week from the Building Ministers meeting that the accessibility standards will be included in the National Construction Code from 1 May 2023 with a transition period until 1 October 2023. This means that following October 1, every new home in Queensland will be built to LHA silver standards. Congratulations to Marg Ward, one of QDN’s longtime supporters who has led this work nationally from the sector along with the late Wendy Lovelace and many others from QDN and the sector. This will make a huge difference in the lives of many people and increase the range of housing options available.
Jobs and Skills Summit
The Jobs and Skills Summit will bring together Australians, including unions, employers, civil society and governments, to address our shared economic challenges. Led by the Prime Minister and Treasurer, and supported by other key ministers, the Summit will recommend immediate actions and opportunities for medium and long-term reform. Although Summit attendance will be limited and invitation only, Treasury will invite submissions and engage the wider community over the next 12 months. Submissions to the White Paper will open later in 2022. You can read the issues paper below.
COVID-19 Update
Survey: What does living with COVID-19 mean for Queenslanders now and in to the future?
Queensland Health are running a survey to better understand the health outcomes of people who have had COVID-19
vaccines and those who have not had any COVID-19 vaccines, and what factors affect the immune response to the COVID-19 vaccines in people who have been vaccinated, and hat can cause people to get very sick from the COVID-19 virus and/or get Long COVID. Queensland Health believe the survey will also help health services to make decisions about ongoing vaccine programs and to plan for more people needing treatment for the COVID-19 virus and Long COVID.
Who can take part?
- if you have had a COVID-19 vaccine in the past 12 months or you have not had any COVID-19 vaccines,
- are 18 years or older and a resident of Queensland, and,
- can read and understand the consent form.
Participants will need to complete a questionnaire and provide a blood sample at a participating pathology collection centre
at two time points - now and in 12-months’ time.
To find out more email QoVAX-Statewide@health.qld.gov.au, or phone (07) 3647 1053 or 0457 197 699.
COVID-19 Factsheets
Queensland Health have produced informative and practical fact sheets that can assist you on understanding if there are any medicines for COVID-19 and how do they work and also information on who is eligible for the medicine and how does someone access it.
Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR)
Australia is partnering with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) to host the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (APMCDRR) at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre from 19-22 September 2022 and QDN will be making sure that people with disability will be high on the agenda.
This is the main regional platform in Asia-Pacific for promoting coordination and cooperation on Disaster Risk Reduction and the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. It brings together UN Member States, intergovernmental organisations, international and national organisations and stakeholder groups, to accelerate progress on disaster risk reduction
Disability Royal Commission
Aged Care Legislation Changes
New aged care legislation
Two new bills have been tabled in Parliament in response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care:
The Royal Commission Response Bill, and the Implementing Care Reform Bill. These are needed to rebuild an aged care system which delivers the quality-of-care older people deserve.
The Royal Commission Response Bill lays the groundwork for a new funding model, introduces a star rating system for aged care facilities and more accountability and a new code of conduct for providers.
The Implementing Care Reform Bill introduces tangible measures related to direct care such as registered nurses onsite 24/7, and a minimum 200 minutes of care per resident per day. In addition, it introduces a cap on management and administrative fees and blocks exit fees in home care.
The New My Home My Way Website!
The National Alliance of Capacity Building Organisations is excited to announce the launch of its new website, My Home, My Way! My Home, My Way provides a range of resources, written or produced by people with a disability and their supporters, from all over Australia. There are even some resources from overseas! These resources are from change makers - people who have challenged the idea that the only option for people with developmental disabilities, once they leave their family home, is to live in a group home. Through stories, videos, podcasts and other information, you will discover how people, no matter what their needs, are living in their own home and enjoying rich and meaningful lives as part of their local neighbourhoods!
Policy Wrap UP - what you need to know!
Disability Employment Strategy – EmployMyAbility
The Australian Government, through the Department of Social Services (the department), has developed Employ My Ability – the Disability Employment Strategy, to provide a guiding framework for governments, employers and the broader community to increase employment outcomes for people with disability.
Increasing employment of people with disability has many benefits to employers and the community.
Our vision is for: Inclusive workplace cultures where people with disability thrive in their careers
You can read more about the strategy here
Australian Human Rights Resources
IncludeAbility is an initiative of the Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) to increase meaningful employment opportunities for people with disability. It is designed to support employers who want to create meaningful employment opportunities for people with disability, and for people with disability seeking employment, developing a career or considering self-employment.
Find out more on their website here
New advocacy service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability
ATSIDNQ’s new advocacy service, Side by Side First Peoples Advocacy is making a difference for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability, and their families and carers.
Side by Side’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander advocates are here to work alongside First Nations people and their families to open doors for fair access to services, and to help people with disability uphold their rights. If you or someone you care about has a disability related issue, or you want to refer a client, contact the Side by Side team to have a yarn on 1800 718 969.
Self-paced online learning on Person Centred approach to emergency preparedness
The University of Sydney has developed a self-paced online learning course that takes approximately 15 hours to complete over a four-week period as part of the Queensland Homelessness Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction project. People who are willing and interested to put Person Centred Emergency Preparedness into action following the program will be prioritised.
You can register your interest here.