Connecting the Dots - Young people with disability and family safety


Young people with disability

Flinders University is doing research about what services can do to better help young people with disability when they experience family violence.

Research hasn’t focused much on what is most important to young people. The project is focused on how services and systems can better respond to what young people want and need.

Is this something you would like to share your thoughts about?

Please get in contact with Sally Robinson to find out more.

You’ll get a $40 voucher in thanks for your involvement.


Family members of people with disability

Flinders University is doing research about what services can do to better help young people with disability when they experience family violence. They would like to speak with family members to find out their important perspectives.

The project is about improving systems to respond to children and young people’s priorities. There has been little research about how services and systems can respond in child-centred ways, especially for children and young people with disability.

Is this something you would like to share your thoughts about?

Please get in contact with Sally Robinson to find out more.

You’ll get a $40 voucher in thanks for your involvement.


Find out how to get involved

If you would like to know more about the project or be involved, please contact either Professor Sally Robinson or (08) 7421 9845, or Dr Amy Marshall or (08) 8201 3009.


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