COVID-19 restrictions update 

There have been three new community cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours. Mask-wearing restrictions will be extended for seven days until 6am on Friday, 23 July. People in the local government areas of Brisbane, Moreton Bay, Ipswich, Logan City, Redlands, Sunshine Coast, Noosa, Somerset, Lockyer Valley, Scenic Rim and the Gold Coast must continue to wear masks whenever they leave home (with exceptions if you are unable to wear one).  Restrictions will ease in the local government areas of Townsville and Palm Island at 6am tomorrow as planned.

Gatherings in private residences remain limited to 30 people, and businesses and venues are limited to one person per four square metres indoors and one person per two square metres outdoors.

Visitor restrictions will remain in place for hospitals, aged care and disability accommodation. Anyone who is a close contact or has been in a declared hotspot or interstate exposure venue of concern must not visit any Queensland hospital residential aged care facility or shared disability accommodation.

The Queensland government is urging all Queensland residents in New South Wales to come home if you can. They are monitoring the situation in New South Wales very seriously and will keep Queensland residents updated of any change to border restrictions.

In the meantime, continue to practice good hand hygiene, keep physical distance if you do go out (two big steps at least), get a test if you think you have any COVID symptoms, and check in to places you attend (ask for a manual paper check in if you don’t use a Smartphone).

Find the Queensland Government updates on COVID-19 here.

For the full list of contract tracing (exposure sites) head here.

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