Severe Weather Information   

Get informed - Make a plan - Stay connected

Tropical Cyclone Alfred is expected to cross the coast of South East Queensland, between Hervey Bay and Coolangatta, on Thursday, 6 March. Severe rain and wind conditions are predicted with high chance of significant storm damage, including flooding.

Stay informed and connected

  1. ABC Radio – Stay tuned to your local ABC radio station or listen online: Stream Your Favourite Local & National Radio Stations - ABC listen
  1. Weather Warnings – Go to the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) website for active updates and weather warnings: Queensland Warnings Summary 
  1. Council Disaster Dashboards – Find local information, warnings, emergency news and sandbag station status/location: Find your local council | Get Ready Queensland

The QDN office phone (1300 363 783) will be answered from 9:00am-5:00pm Monday to Friday.

If you or someone you know is in danger, call 000.


Extreme weather events are part of life in Queensland. Make sure you plan ahead and stay informed.
Here is a list of information to help you understand your risk, help you prepare and know how to respond in an emergency. 

How to know your risk 

Your first step to Getting Ready is to find out when, and where Cyclone Alfred may cross land, how severe it could potentially be, and if you will be affected.  

How to make a plan

The ‘Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness Workbook’ helps you create a tailored emergency preparedness plan. 

How to pack a kit 

How to prepare psychologically 

Where to get urgent assistance 

  • Emergency calls: 000  
  • TTY emergency calls: 106 
  • State emergency service (SES): 132 500  
  • State emergency service (SES): 132 500 
  • 13 HEALTH: 13 43 25 84 
  • Emergency housing: 13 QGOV (13 74 68)  

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