Queensland Disability Reforms: Working with the community


Queensland Disability Reforms: Working with the community

Queensland is working on the disability reforms that includes the Disability Royal Commission and the NDIS Review. The Queensland Disability Stakeholder Engagement and Co-Design Strategy was released in late 2024 to put people with disability at the heart of disability reform processes through co-design.

The Strategy will support delivery of the Queensland Disability Reform Framework.


A key part of work to implement these reforms is engaging and co-designing with the disability community including people with disability, families, disability providers, peak bodies, advocacy as well as local, state and federal Government agencies.

Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) are leading the implementation of the Strategy.


Get involved and find out more 

There are lots of different ways you can get involved now and over the coming years.

To start this work now there are two ways to get involved.




Community forums: Find out more and share your ideas


To start this work, QDN in partnership with the Department of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety is running community forums across Queensland to share information about the Strategy and how people with disability and stakeholders can be involved in co-designing disability reforms.  The forums will also offer the opportunity to provide input into disability reform planning.

To find out more about the Community Forums click here




To find out more about the Strategy click here




Play an active role: Apply to be part of the Governance committee or be a co-designer


QDN are seeking expressions of interest from people with lived experience or expertise in disability who are interested to be part of the Strategy, including in governance roles or as co-designers of disability reforms.

Expressions of interest are sought for membership of:

  1. the Disability Reform Implementation Stakeholder Committee, which will oversee the delivery of the Strategy.
  2. the Co-design Team, which will help design and deliver engagement processes and create and test ideas to generate and inform disability policy and program solutions.

To find out more about the Expressions of interest click here

There will be more information updated soon on QDN’s website about how you can engage in the disability reform co-design activities, as well as ways you can build your knowledge and skills in co-design.