QDN e-News Update - 10 January 2025
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QDN Emerging Leaders Program 2025!
QDN’s Emerging Leaders Program empowers people with disability to lead and influence positive change in their lives and communities. Each year, QDN supports people with disability to complete the 9-month development program, to builds leadership skills and pursue their passion.
Now in its fifth year, the Emerging Leaders program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services. The program is open to people with disability living in Queensland. People with disability of all ages, from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, who are LGBTQIA+ and gender-diverse, live in rural, remote, and regional areas, and are First Nations are encouraged to apply.
Participants become QDN members through the program, unlocking a thriving state-wide peer network, informed by QDN’s key four pillars - Inform, Connect, Lead and Influence. Participants graduate from the program with the capacity to transform their own lives, support others and drive equality, rights and inclusion.
QDN Emerging leaders in the program participate in:
- monthly training sessions (face-to-face meetings, online interactive sessions)
- mentorship
- community activities to develop critical thinking
- exploring leadership theory practice and techniques
- exploring systems thinking/systems change
- holding inquiring conversations
- building relationships, and
- connecting with established leaders.
2025 Program Dates
Applications for Emerging Leaders 2025 are open now, closing 9:00am Friday 7 February 2025. The program will run from March to November 2025.
To apply for the Emerging Leaders Program 2025, click here.
Watch the video below with an Emerging Leader from 2024 encouraging others to apply.
Brisbane 2032 Updates
Games Authority to conduct 100-Day Review
The Queensland Government has announced a 100-day review into Games venues and transport infrastructure. The review will consider integration across venues, transport systems, athlete villages, and precincts, while evaluating demand, affordability, deliverability, and overall impact to maximise social, economic, and environmental outcomes.
The terms of reference specifically sets out the scope of review will include:
- Analysing the necessity, location, feasibility, delivery approach, overlay requirements and long-term impact of new, upgraded and temporary venues (including all projects identified within the Intergovernmental Agreement on the Brisbane 2032 Olympics and Paralympic Games)
- Analysing the number, location, design, feasibility, delivery approach, overlay requirements and legacy outcomes of current planned Olympic and Paralympic Villages
- Identifying critical transport projects that could be constructed prior to the Games to align with long-term mobility and transport strategies
- Evaluating current Games governance arrangements.
More information is available at: https://www.statedevelopment.qld.gov.au/industry/brisbane-2032
100 Day Review public submissions portal
On 10 December 2024, the Games Independent Infrastructure and Coordination Authority announced the 100 Day Review public submissions portal. They are asking the community, business and industry to share their insights on key planning aspects for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Consultation is open until 10 January 2025.
The purpose of the 100 Day Review is to evaluate demand, affordability, deliverability, and overall impact to maximise social, economic, and environmental outcomes of the 2032 Games. Feedback will be assessed and analysed by the newly established Games Independent Infrastructure and Coordination Authority Board to help inform their final report for Government.
Any individual or organisation can provide their feedback in the portal which can be found here: www.gamesreview.com.au
Key infrastructure planned for the Games
Hosting the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games brings with it unmissable opportunities to accelerate development across the state. New and upgraded sport venues are being planned to meet the needs of our growing communities and will be brought forward to be built in time for the Games, not because of the Games. It also creates the opportunity for our state to build and develop multi-purpose infrastructure, such as the athlete villages, most of which will be used for permanent housing after the Games.
Critical venue infrastructure will be funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments under the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games Intergovernmental Agreement. The $7.1 billion venue infrastructure program will reshape some of Queensland’s most significant venues and precincts, leaving a legacy for the community well after 2032.
Visit Q2032.au for more information on how the Queensland Government is using Brisbane 2032 to transform Queensland economically, culturally, socially and environmentally.
This is a very important opportunity for people with disability to have their say on access and inclusion as part of the Games and the legacy.
Policy update
Policy Submissions
QDN members are encouraged to reach out to the policy team to be involved in our submission writing. Email qdn@qdn.org.au or call 1300 363 783 to have a conversation with the policy team.
Submissions the policy team is working on:
- Consultation on self-directed supports registration.
- 100 Day Review Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Submissions the policy team has completed since the last e-news
- Consultation on proposed amendments to the NDIS Act (Bill No.2).
- EV Charging Infrastructure submission.
NDIS updates
Annual Financial Sustainability Report (AFSR)
The NDIS Annual financial Sustainability Report (AFSR) was released for the 2023-24 year. The AFSR provides an assessment of the financial sustainability of the NDIS. It is also available in Easy Read.
Impairment Notices
On 1 January 2025, new NDIS participants and existing participants who will transition to new framework plans will receive impairment notices.
To keep updated on legislative changes https://www.ndis.gov.au/changes-ndis-legislation/summary-legislation-changes
Consultation on self-directed supports registration
This consultation focuses on the NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce recommendations for participants who self-direct their own supports, previously known as ‘self-managers’.
The new proposed model will be designed to uphold the rights of participants who self-direct their supports while providing visibility of these arrangements to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. This is an opportunity to give input into the design and implementation of the model proposed by the Taskforce.
Consultation closes 7 February 2025.
Platform Providers mandatory registration
Platform Providers have been identified as a priority group for mandatory registration with the NDIS Commission. The purpose of this consultation paper is to seek community feedback about registering all Platform Providers with the NDIS Commission to deliver NDIS supports.
Submissions close 7 March 2025.
Supported independent living (SIL) and support coordination mandatory registration
To progress mandatory registration of SIL and support coordination, the NDIS Commission is consulting on:
- changes to registration requirements and arrangements,
- implementation and transition approaches, and
- understanding practical implications for participants, their supporters and providers.
Submissions close 7 March 2025.
NDIS events- Introducing changes to NDIS legislation
This event will deliver an overview of the NDIS Bill amendments, provider further information on some of the key changes and provide an opportunity for Q&A at the end.
- For Support Coordinators: Wednesday 29 January from 1pm – 2pm. RSVP by 22 January Introducing changes to NDIS legislation for support coordinators
- For Plan Managers: Monday 3 February from 2pm to 3pm. RSVP by 2 February https://www.ndis.gov.au/events/10534-introducing-changes-ndis-legislation-plan-managers
- For providers: Thursday 6 February from 11am to 12pm. RSVP by 5 February https://www.ndis.gov.au/events/10503-introducing-changes-ndis-legislation-providers
Art and Music Therapy – call for information and feedback from Dr Stephen Duckett AM
Dr Stephen Duckett AM has been appointed by the NDIA to complete the Independent Review of NDIS Art and Music Therapy Supports.
The terms of reference for the review are to assess:
- the review of evidence of effectiveness of art and music therapy for people with disability led by the NDIA
- qualifications and registration of art and music practitioners
- pricing of NDIS art and music supports.
Dr Duckett is seeking information to inform his thinking, specifically evidence or papers which give:
- A brief description of art and music therapy and approaches for people with disability.
- Information about professionals who deliver art and music therapy to people with disability. This should include any qualifications or registrations.
- Evidence of the benefit of art or music therapy in improving disability-related functional capacity, including peer reviewed evidence, evaluation reports, and any other forms of evidence.
- Whether it is possible or sensible to make a distinction between art and music therapy and other art and music activities.
Please send your information or evidence to participant.engagement@ndis.gov.au. You can attach any published studies, reviews and evaluations to your email. Please keep your email to 1000 words.
This opportunity closes on 7 February 2025.
New appointments to NDIA board and NDIS advisory council
The Australian Government has announced two appointments to the NDIA Board and five appointments to the NDIS Independent Advisory Council (IAC).
New appointments to the NDIA Board
- Dr Rhonda Galbally AC
- Leah van Poppel will
New IAC members
- Vaughn Bennison
- Associate Professor Lorna Hallahan
- Dr Gill Hicks AM MBE
- Andrew Vodic
- Jane Wardlaw
Policy updates
Disability Royal Commission update
The Disability Royal Commission interim report has been released. The report provides an update about federal and state government progress regarding the Disability Royal Commission recommendations.
Draft Aviation Customer Rights Charter – give your feedback
The draft Aviation Customer Rights Charter sets out the expectations of fair and reasonable conduct by airlines and airports towards consumers. The Australian Government wants your feedback, which will be used to develop the Aviation Customer Rights Charter. There will also be a separate co-design process of aviation specific disability standards to make sure travel will be accessible and inclusive of all people with a disability.
Submissions close 28 February 2025.
Inquiry into Elder Abuse- give your feedback
The Queensland state government has announced an inquiry into elder abuse. A joint report into elder abuse by the Qld Government and Uniting Care revealed that social abuse that is a form of coercive control increased by 7% and neglect of older people increased by 24% during the 2023-2024 period.
Submissions close 10 April 2025.
Incentivising Australian Screen Diversity
This report published by Monash University explores ways to increase screen diversity to employ more people with disability, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse people, First Nations peoples and LGBTQIA+ people.
QDN in the news - ABC News article focused on accessible transport
The article is focused on the work happening around accessibility of Queensland’s transport infrastructure and highlights the work that still needs to happen. The article references data from the Voices of Queenslanders with Disability Report and features a quote from QDN CEO Michelle Moss and QDN Member Fiona Charrington.
What's on
Stay updated on what’s happening with the Peer Support Group, DIDRR Workshops, and Policy Forums, on our website. You can find this information under the 'Events' page and check the QDN Calendar for upcoming events
Events: https://qdn.org.au/events/
QDN Membership – spread the word
Do you know someone who should be a QDN member? Share this link them so they can have their voices heard and connect with peers and support networks across Queensland.
QDN Membership Application: https://qdn.org.au/membership/qdn-member-application/
From our Allies
The National Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Disability Health (the Centre) has the opportunity to host a National Intellectual Disability Clinician Network (the Network) and is currently seeking expressions of interest to join the Network.
Thie Network is one of four (4) major programs of work for the Centre, which launched in October 2023. The aim of the Network will be to bring together and facilitate the networking of a critical mass of clinicians or trainees who are interested in, and have some focus on, working with the health of people with intellectual disability across Australia. Amongst its activities, it is anticipated the Network will provide a forum for clinicians to share knowledge, best clinical practices and models of care; for multidisciplinary discussion of complex issues affecting clinical practice; co-hosting of webinars and podcasts on clinical and capacity building issues.
QDN is a member of the National Centre for Intellectual Disability Health. Learn more about their work on their website: National Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Disability Health
Complete the Expression of Interest and Short Survey form.
To stay updated on what’s happening with the Peer Support Group, and Policy Forums, please visit our website. You can find this information under the 'Events' page and the QDN Calendar for upcoming events.
QDN Membership
If you or someone you know would like to be a QDN member apply here: https://qdn.org.au/membership/qdn-member-application/