QDN delivered the Bright Sparks Project to almost 1000 people with disability in South-east Queensland between November 2016 and June 2017.
The Bright Sparks Project delivered workshops by and for people with disability, helping participants better understand their bills, compare electricity plans and access the supports available if they experienced financial difficulty.
Bright Sparks workshops, resources and tools were co-designed and co-delivered by QDN’s Energy Champions who were people with disability.
QDN also engaged with another 6,000 workers and allies who supported people with disability through disability and housing services.
QDN’s Energy Champions were people with a broad range of lived experience of disability and included people who had visual, hearing, physical and intellectual disability.
As part of the project, QDN developed a video and a workbook. Check out the Bright Sparks Project video and handbook below, where you can learn more about how to save on your electricity bill.
The Bright Sparks Project was able to deliver workshops to a wide range of people with disability in the South-east corner. Participants reported that 90% were going to change their energy consumption habits, and 95% felt they were more empowered energy customers after attending the workshop. Only 60% of participants were currently receiving rebates or concessions at the time, with a significant number of people unaware of what was available.
The Bright Sparks Project participants reported a range of savings and great outcomes from attending the workshops.
Click here to view the Bright Sparks Video
Click here to read the PDF version of the Bright Sparks Handbook
The project operated through QCOSS Switched on Communities Grants and was funded by AGL and the Queensland Government.

“The talk was very clear, easy to understand and informative. There should be more projects like this. The speakers were clear, polite, calm, informative and honest..”