Referrals for the Assessment and Referral Team (ART) and Targeted Outreach Project are now closed. The temporary funding provided by the Commonwealth Government to deliver these projects is coming to an end.
From 1 April 2022, access to the NDIS sits primarily with your local NDIS Partners in the Community who deliver local area coordination supports for eligible Queenslanders with disability.
Current Locations
Currently being delivered across the following communities:
- Brisbane
- Gold Coast
- Townsville
- Cairns (including Mareeba, Cassowary Coast, Douglas, Cook, Torres, Tablelands, Hinchinbrook, Etheridge, Weipa)
- Mackay (including Whitsunday Regional, Charters Towers, Isaac, Flinders, Burdekin)
- Mount Isa (including Cloncurry, McKinlay, Richmond, Croydon, Burke, Boulia, Carpentaria)
- Beenleigh (including Logan and Redlands)
- Ipswich (including Lockyer Valley, Scenic Rim and Somerset)
Who can the Targeted Outreach Project help?
The Targeted Outreach Project can help a wide range of Queenslanders with disability aged between 7 and 65 to access the NDIS, including:
- People from rural, regional or remote communities.
- Students leaving, or have recently left school.
- Students 7 years or over who attend a special school.
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
- People from a culturally and linguistically diverse background.
- Children and young people engaged in the youth justice system.
- Adults subject to supervision by Community Corrections.
- Prisoners leaving the criminal justice system.
- People with psychosocial disability.
- People experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness.
- In other at risk situations.

Local Champions
The NDIS "has provided me with individual support I need tailored to the allied health I need, to the community engagement activities I need. It’s Wonderful!"