Developing an inclusive employment legacy from the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games

QDN is pleased to launch the "Games Changers Report" on June 3rd 2024 in conjunction with Urbis.

This report aims to ignite a transformative change in employment opportunities for people with disability in Queensland. It offers a comprehensive analysis of the current employment landscape for people with disability and provides strategic recommendations to shape and enhance the employment ecosystem leading up to, during, and following the 2032 Games.

The Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games present a unique chance to close the employment gap and create meaningful career pathways for individuals with disability across the state. The report also highlights invaluable lessons and opportunities gleaned from other major global events.

Read the full report below.

This is a colorful background banner for the Game Changers website.

Game Changers Report

Developing an inclusive employment legacy from the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympics Games.

Read the report here

This is a colorful background banner for the Game Changers website.


User-friendly Version

Read the user-friendly version here

there are two logos side by side, the Urbis Logo is on the left, the writing is in black, there is a square that goes around the second half of the word. on the right hand side there is a QDN logo, that is in navy and written below in gray is "Queenslanders with Disability Network.

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