We want accessible, affordable, integrated and quality health services and health care.
It is important that the health system and health professionals deliver quality care for people with disability.
We acknowledge that people with disability face many challenges when trying to access appropriate health care.
QDN advocates for better health services to deliver the right care, at the right time, in the right way to meet the needs of people with disability.
Submissions and consultations
QDN is dedicated to empowering people with disability to have a say on systemic issues like health. We regularly consult with members for input about the design, evaluation and reform of the health system. We are on a range of state and national committees that include COVID-19 specific committees and broader systemic health issues including health of people with intellectual disability. We believe it's important to ensure the voice and needs of people with disability are front and centre of the discussion, decisions and solutions in making our health system more inclusive, accessible and responsive to our needs.
Our submissions use consultation feedback to provide a collective voice that informs policy makers about what is important to Queenslanders with disability.
In the past we have consulted with members to make submissions about:
- QDN Response - Public Consultation: Intellectual Disability Health Capability Framework - 2023
- QDN Response - Public Consultation: Intellectual Disability Health Capability Framework - Accessible Version - 2023
- QDN Submission - The Health and Environment Committee's Inquiry into the Health and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2022
- QDN Submission - Health, Communities, Disability Services and Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Committee’s (the committee) Inquiry into the Queensland Government's Health Response to COVID-19 - 2020
- QDN Submission - National Health Medical and Research Council- National Ethical Framework for Pandemics - 2020
- QDN Response - Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability: Health Care for People with Cognitive Disability Issues Paper - 2020
- QDN Submission - Queensland Law Reform Commission Consultation Paper - A Legal Framework for Voluntary Assisted Dying - 2020
Previous Forums
MyMedicare Information Session for QDN Members
Watch the recording here: https://youtu.be/8x9ZJFMvmUY
You can read the Q&A here: QDN MyMedicare Information Session 28 February - Summary
The PowerPoint slides are available here: MyMedicare_QDN pres Jan24_v2.0
Past Projects
From time to time, we work on projects that link to our purpose and mission. These are usually short, focussed pieces of work that specifically relate to important issues raised by members.
Know your rights: Getting the healthcare you need during COVID-19
People with disability need to access hospital care during the COVID-19 pandemic, both if they get sick with COVID-19 or if they need essential health care. It is a right for people with disability and their families and carers to have equitable access to health care during the COVID-19 outbreak.
These resources, co-designed by people with disability, in partnership with Health Consumers Queensland, assist people with disability to get the right care, in the right place, at the right time and in a way that meets their needs.
Hospital Discharge project
We have been working with Queensland Health to support people with disability when they are discharged from hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic. QDN’s independent information and guidance is helping Queensland Health advise people with disability, their carers and families about a safe transition from hospital to safely live in the community.

Member story
“I have found the information in this resource so helpful to me and my supporters in my current situation. As a person with disability who is currently in hospital and someone who was part of the co-design of these resources, the practical tips and information to help me navigate my way made such a difference. I had all my information together to bring with me and help my healthcare team understand about me and my needs.”
Sharon Boyce, QDN member and Board Director
QDN resources
NDIS Toolkit for doctors to assist them in supporting people to access the scheme Guide: Know your rights — Getting the hospital care you need during COVID-19 BNPHN Patient Information Booklet NDIS (PDF) BNPHN NDIS Patient Checklist (PDF)