The Queensland Disability Advocacy Alliance (QDAA)is an alliance of 15 Queensland disability advocacy organisations. In 2021, QDAA asked Queenslanders to stand with us to ensure that the Queensland Government committed to continue to fund disability advocacy after June 2021. The Stand with us! campaign has been led by people with disability, families, carers and supporters.
Coming together to show Queensland disability advocacy does matter shows how important it is for people with disability to have a voice and that Government is listening to people with disability.
Independent individual, citizen and systemic advocacy plays a vital role in supporting the over 900,000 Queenslanders with disability to have their rights and well-being protected, as well as supporting their full inclusion in all aspects of community life – ensuring equal access to the services delivered by government mainstream, community and private organisations.
On Tuesday 23 March 2021, the Palaszczuk Government announced their commitment to base funding of $8.1M over 2021-2023 to continue advocacy services in Queensland. The announcement by Honourable Craig Crawford, Minister for Seniors, Disability Services and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, that the Government will extend its funding of disability advocacy services in Queensland for the next two years gives Queenslanders with disability and their families assurance that they will be able to continue to access these vital services after 30 June 2021.
On 24 March 2021 almost 250 people with disability and their supporters gathered outside Queensland Parliament House and outside Rockhampton’s local MP's office to rally support for disability advocacy.
Funding guidelines have been announced and an open tender process is operating with final announcements of funding in October 2021.
You can check out more about the Stand with us! Campaign here.

Des Ryan, Chairperson, QDN Board of Directors said “I don’t know where I would be today without advocacy. A change in circumstances for my primary carer meant I needed to transition to living on my own. Advocacy was critical to me getting the right supports in place, maintaining my independence and continue working. Without it, I would likely have ended up in a nursing home. We have a right to these services and there are so many stories where disability advocacy has made a significant difference in people’s lives.”