QDN developed an election platform called My Disability Matters for the Queensland State Election held on 31 October 2020, along with an advocacy kit for members.
My Disability Matters outlined ten key areas that we asked political parties to consider as their disability policy, representing the important issues for members.
The advocacy kit had fact sheets and information on how members could visit candidates and post on social media in the lead up to the election. We encouraged members to actively use this platform and the tool kit resources to visit local candidates.
To see QDN’s election resources for the campaign click here
Make Disability Count - Proposed asks
QDN, along with seven allies, held a forum with representatives of the Queensland Political Parties called Make Disability Count on 8 October 2020. With over 100 participants, representatives from the parties including Labor, LNP, Greens, One Nation and the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party outlined how they were going to show disability counted at the 2020 State Election.
To see the responses from the political parties to QDN’s My Disability Matters Policy Platform or the Make Disability Count priority policy areas, which were developed by eight organisations that represent people with disability, their families and the services that support them, click here.

Voting Information for people with disability The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) provides assistance for people with disability to ensure they are not disadvantaged from participating in the electoral system.
For more information »about the Australian Electoral Commission.