QDN has developed this 2024 Local Government Election Platform in consultation with our members who are actively engaged in their local communities and understand that this election represents an important opportunity to build communities where people with disability are recognised and valued.
We are asking all mayoral candidates in all 77 councils across Queensland to respond to each of the below policy commitments to ensure Queenslanders with disability and their friends, family and supporters are more informed before casting their votes on Saturday, 16 March 2024.
QDN is seeking commitments from all candidates running in the 2024 Queensland local government elections on the following points:
- Ensure 100% of Councils have a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIPs).
- Allocate funding for accessibility upgrades to existing footpaths.
- Ensure 100% of Councils have an Accessibility and Inclusion Advisory Committee.
- Review and report on the implementation of Local Housing Action Plans.
- Prioritise the employment of people with disabilities.
- Establish targets for Council budgets, programs, and procurement allocations focused on disability inclusion and report on these.
- Develop and implement disability-inclusive procurement strategies for local Government services and infrastructure.
- Release a review of the number of on-street disability parking spots in each local government area.
- Involve people with disabilities in all phases and decision-making processes related to disaster planning, management, and recovery.
- Deliver inclusive and accessible council events co-designed with people with disabilities to meet inclusion standards.
Download QDN’s Local Government Election platform.
Download QDN’s Local Government Election platform - Accessible Version.
Download QDN's QDN's Local Government Election Advocacy Kit.
Download QDN's QDN's Local Government Election Advocacy Kit - Accessible Version.

Voting Information for people with disability The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) provides assistance for people with disability to ensure they are not disadvantaged from participating in the electoral system.
For more information »about the Australian Electoral Commission.