Thank you for considering to become a QDN Member! Choose how you want to join from the options below.

Pink background with a white graphic of 3 people with their hands in the air.

QDN Member

Membership is free!

For a person with a disability that wants to keep up to date with what QDN is working on and get the latest information about issues impacting people with disability or the disability sector.

Pink background with a white graphic of 2 people with their elbows touching

QDN Supporter

Membership is free!

For anyone that wants to keep up to date with what QDN is working on and get the latest information about issues impacting people with disability or the disability sector. You might be a family member, carer, or an organisation.

Pink background with a white graphic of a hand with one finger pointed at a heart.

QDN Support Organisation

Membership is only $35

Be a part of the community and stay up to date with Campaigns, receive newsletters and all disability updates.

The steps we will follow to complete your membership application are:

  1. Application received by QDN.
  2. QDN Board review your membership application.
  3. We will send you a letter or email to let you know your membership application is confirmed.

Please note that it may take up to 6 weeks from the time you apply to the time you receive your confirmation letter from QDN.

If you have any issues, please call   QDN on 1300 363 783 


A young man smiling wearing a black shirt listening at a conference.

“It’s tremendous. I’ve made friends, and I’ve made professional connections. QDN is an organisation for people with disability by people with disability. So, in connecting with QDN you’re really getting the voice of people living with disability.”

Matt Knott, Bundaberg

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Peer Support Groups

Connect people with other people with disability to talk about the things that matter most.

Read more about how to connect with peer support groups.

A group of people with disabilities in a room, each holding a letter that together reads Peer Support.