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    Mount Gravatt Bright Sparks Workshop

    March 26 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

    The Bright Sparks project is back for 2025 with new opportunities to support people with disability. This initiative focuses on empowering people with disability to become confident energy consumers during rising electricity prices, helping them make informed decisions to reduce their energy expenses.

    Through the project, people with disability will gain a better understanding of their energy bills, learn how to compare plans, and discover available supports for managing financial difficulties.

    Workshops, resources and tools are co-designed and delivered by QDN’s Energy Champions who are people with disability.

    QDN’s Energy Champions are people with a broad range of lived experience of disability and include people who have visual, hearing, physical and intellectual disability.

    Bookings: Leigh Levonpera
    Phone: 0436 459 595
    Email: leigh.levonpera@ulaunch.com.au


    March 26
    10:00 am - 12:00 pm
    Event Categories:


    uLaunch (Mt Gravatt)
    Suite 4, 11 Shire Rd,
    Mount Gravatt, Queensland 4122 Australia
    + Google Map
    0436 459 595