e-Blast: Summary of the Queensland State Budget 2020-21
Yesterday, Queensland Treasurer Cameron Dick MP handed down the State Budget.
The budget was primarily focused on the post-COVID economic recovery and funding the government’s election commitments. However, there were a few mentions of disability in the budget papers, which we have summarised below.
You can have a look at the full budget here: budget.qld.gov.au
The budget papers are divided into four Service Delivery Statements (SDS) – we have put the SDS number and related page number next to each portfolio area in our summary if you would like to find more details.
As the government releases more information or makes further announcements, we’ll be sure to keep QDN members updated.
QDN Summary
Disability Services (Service Delivery Statement 2 – page 123)
2020-21 priorities include:
- Additional funding of $2.6 million to continue provision of services to support people with disabilities, including support for All Abilities Queensland, management of complaints and investigations, National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) performance monitoring and approval for guide, hearing and assistance dogs.
- Embedding key reforms in service model and operating structure of the Forensic Disability Service that focus on positive outcomes for clients.
- Increasing investment to deliver new and upgraded specialist accommodation as part of the Forensic Disability Service System Reforms for complex clients subject to Forensic Disability orders.
- Provide funding of $8.9 million over two years to support the implementation of a nationally consistent NDIS worker screening system to enhance safeguards as part of the NDIS implementation in Queensland.
- Provide funding of $7 million for community transport services.
- Funding to support peak bodies and advocacy services in the disability sector.
- $20 million investment over three years to 2022 negotiated with the Commonwealth, through the Disability Connect and Outreach Program, to assist vulnerable and hard to reach Queenslanders with disability to gain access to the NDIS.
- Working with Department of Justice and Attorney-General to implement Queensland’s plan to respond to domestic and family violence against people with disability.
- Leading whole of government response to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.
Concessions (Budget Highlights – page 13)
2020-21 priorities include:
- $6.3 billion in targeted discounts, fee waivers, rebates, and subsidies to support Queenslanders. These concessions will reduce costs of living including for transport, electricity and water costs. Concessions will also provide significant support for individuals, households and businesses across both 2019–20 and 2020–21 as part of the government’s response to COVID-19.
- From September 2020, a further $100 million is being provided to households to reduce their electricity bills.
Community services (Service Delivery Statement 1 – page 115)
2020-21 priorities include:
Leading the delivery of the human and social recovery function following disasters including access to emotional, social, psychological and practical support:
- administer disaster recovery funding for individuals / families and not for profit organisations
- coordinate and mobilise the Queensland Government Ready Reserve workforce
- continue the Disability Inclusive Risk Reduction (DIDRR) project to enable increased disaster resilience
Housing (Service Delivery Statement 1 – page 119)
2020-21 priorities include:
Developing and delivering an enhanced disability response to better meet the diverse needs of individuals, challenge traditional thinking around housing for people with a disability and promote innovative and inclusive housing responses
Human Rights Commission (Service Delivery Statement 2 – page 78)
2020-21 priorities include:
Continuing to support the implementation of the Human Rights Act 2019 by delivering training to public entities, developing resources for vulnerable Queenslanders including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and people with disability, and intervening where appropriate in proceedings involving human rights issues to provide expert assistance to courts and tribunals.
Transport (Service Delivery Statement 2 – page 150)
2020-21 priorities include:
Implementation of actions within the Disability Action Plan 2018-2022 to improve the accessibility of the passenger transport network for people with disabilities, including:
- continuing the roll-out of a four-year (2019 to 2023), $20.9 million grant program to ensure the sustainability of Queensland’s wheelchair accessible taxi fleet through replacement of aged vehicles and replacing some conventional vehicles with new wheelchair accessible vehicles