During 2020 the Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) project was successful in winning the following awards:
2020 Resilient Australia Award Community Category - Queensland
QDN was announced as the winner in October in the Community Award Category of the 2020 Resilient Australia Awards. QDN were awarded for the development of the COVID-19 Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness (P-CEP) Planning Guide for people with disability.
This was co-designed by QDN peer leaders in disability inclusive disaster preparedness and developed in partnership with Sydney University. This work was funded by the Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors, Community Recovery and based on the work undertaken through the Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Project (DIDRR).
2020 Suncorp Resilient Australia National Community Award (National)
QDN received a ‘Highly Commended’ for the COVID-19 P-CEP Planning Guide in the 2020 Suncorp Resilient Australia National Community Award section, held in Canberra on Friday 4 December.
IGEM 2020 International Women’s Day Champion of Change Award
The Queensland Disability Inclusion Disaster Risk Reduction (DIDRR) project was a joint winner of the award for the development of the DIDRR framework, toolkit and companion resource library. QDN was a partner in this work. This project was funded by Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors.

Learn more about QDN’s disability inclusive disaster work
Find out more »about QDN’s disability inclusive disaster work