This event will showcase the All Abilities JobMatch project and bring together all stakeholders to speak to their experiences and share project resources.
We would also like to invite community organisations to join our Community of Practice to share ideas and help build employer confidence to hire support and retain employees with disability.
What is the purpose of the event?
- bring together all stakeholders from the All Abilities project to speak to their experiences as employers, interns and Inclusion Consultants
- to share resources, tools and learnings
- to promote and encourage participation in a Community of Practice that shares ideas and focuses on championing broader industry change through improving employment opportunities for people with disability and increasing the number of employers that employ people with disability.
The key focus areas area:
- Building confidence in community services industry to hire, support and retain employees with disability
- Learn from employers who have experienced this firsthand
- Hear from people with disability about their experiences as graduate interns working in community services
- Hear from Inclusion Consultants with disability how they facilitated organisational support for employers to build their capabilities in employing people with disability.
Online Forum
Funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.
For more information or support to sign up, please contact Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) on 1300 363 783 or email