QDN e-News - 11 March 2025
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Emergency Contact Information - South East Queensland
Your council’s disaster dashboard gives you real-time updates on Evacuation Centres & their locations.
Information to find your local council disaster dashboard is available here: Find your local council | Get Ready Queensland. Please check the relevant local council dashboard before attending. These centres may have limited facilities and do not allow you to take pets.
Where can I get assistance?
- Emergency calls: 000
- Non- emergency police calls 131 444
- TTY emergency calls: 106
- State emergency service (SES):132 500 or https://www.ses.qld.gov.au/ses-assistance
- Pathways 1800 130 582 is 0pen 9am-9am 7 days a week during this weather emergency period. A helpline for people with disability where you can call for information and assistance.
- Community Recovery 1800 173 349
- Emergency housing: 13 QGOV (13 74 68)
- Red Cross:Emergencies and disasters | Australian Red Cross
- If you are experiencing or at a risk of homelessness, contact the Homeless Hotline on 1800 474 753 (24/7)
- 13 HEALTH: 13 43 25 84
Keep up-to-date with your local information within your council area
It is important that you keep up-to-date with what is happening in your local area, one way of doing that is to visit your local council dashboard; this dashboard is changing all the times with information that can help you in an emergency. Find your local council | Get Ready Queensland
Stay informed and connected
- ABC Radio– Stay tuned to your local ABC radio station or listen online: Stream Your Local & National Radio Stations - ABC listen
- Weather Warnings– Go to the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) website for active updates and weather warnings: Queensland Warnings Summary
- Council Disaster Dashboards– Find local information, warnings, emergency news and sandbag station status/location: Find your local council | Get Ready Queensland
The QDN office phone (1300 363 783) will be answered from 9:00am-5:00pm Monday to Friday.
If you or someone you know is in danger, call 000.
During an emergency you may receive an SMS (text message) or phone call from +61 444 444 444. Messages from this phone number are not a scam and you should follow the instructions.
Queensland Disability Reforms: Working with the Community
Thank you to everyone who attended the Community Forums on 10-14 February. We had almost 800 registrations and your engagement and dedication to this work has been inspiring.
We’ll be sharing more about the forum content in the coming weeks and the work QDN is doing with the community on Queensland Disability Reforms, in partnership with the Department of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety.
If you couldn’t make it to the forums and would like to learn more about the Stakeholder Engagement and Co-design Strategy, go to: https://qdn.org.au/qld-disability-reforms/
You may also wish to be included in the Community of Practice to receive news, events and updates relating the Disability Reforms.
The Centre's 2025 conference - registrations open
QDN is a proud member of the National Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Disability (The Centre). The Centre's 2025 conference on 3-4 of July is now open for registration. The conference theme is ‘Working together every step of the way’ and will explore ways to rethink healthcare for people with intellectual disability.
Find out more and register: https://nceidh.org.au/conference-2025
QDN Peer Support Groups are back for 2025!
QDN Peer Support Groups bring people with disability together to share experiences, exchange information, and connect with their communities. The groups are led by individuals with disability and held online and in-person, right across Queensland.
Peer Support Groups provide safe spaces for discussing important matters like housing, transport, education, employment, and human rights. They also provide a platform for people with disability to influence change, voice opinions on community concerns, navigate the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), and support each other in achieving personal goals. Peer Support Groups are open to anyone living with disability in Queensland.
Learn more and get involved: 1300 363 783 or peersupport@qdn.org.au
Bright Sparks Workshops
QDN is running 48 Bright Sparks workshops across Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan, Toowoomba, Cairns, Sunshine Coast and Moreton Bay. The workshops focus on practical ways to reduce electricity bills without compromising health and wellbeing. They are open to people with disability and will be delivered both in-person and online. An additional 12 workshops will be delivered by Multicultural Australia. The Bight Sparks project is funded by the Department of Energy and Climate.
If you would like to attend a Bright Sparks workshop, follow the link below to find one near you. Find a Bright Sparks workshop near you!
Brisbane Disability Connection Expo – 21 and 22 March 2025
The Brisbane Disability Connection Expo will be held on Friday 21 and Saturday 22 March this year. As the biggest disability event in the state, it’s a great opportunity to bring members together. Save the date in your calendars and come say hello.
Learn more and get tickets: https://developingauscommunities.com.au/brisbane-expo-2025/
Policy Submissions
QDN members are encouraged to reach out to the policy team to be involved in our submission writing. Email qdn@qdn.org.au or call 1300 363 783 to have a conversation with the policy team.
Submissions the policy team is working on:
- Platform Providers mandatory registration
- Supported independent living (SIL) and support coordination mandatory registration
- Inquiry into Elder Abuse
Submissions the policy team has completed since the last e-news:
- Aviation Customer Rights Charter
- Inquiry into Volunteering in Queensland
NDIS updates
Every Australian Counts (EAC) statement
QDN joined other disability advocacy organisations and providers as a co-signatory on Every Australian Counts (EAC) statement regarding Take the Time for Codesign—Protect NDIS Participants' Safety and Wellbeing.
Read the statement here: https://everyaustraliancounts.com.au/campaign-statement-take-the-time-for-codesign-protect-ndis-participants-safety-and-wellbeing/
Warning of NDIS scam alert
NDIA has issued a warning that some participants have received text messages and emails that includes a scam to a link to update or confirm personal details in myGov. The link is a fake webpage that looks just like myGov. NDIA said they would never ask a participant to click a link through text messages, email or on social media.
Read the statement here: https://www.ndis.gov.au/news/10604-scam-alert-beware-malicious-sms-and-email
NDIA updates to website to help self-managers
The NDIA are updating their website to help self-managers learn more about self-management.
Access here: https://www.ndis.gov.au/participants/using-your-plan/self-management
The NDIA have:
- added helpful checklists and short ‘how to’ videos with tips from self-managers
- made the NDIS Guide to Self-management available in on-screen format.
These resources may be helpful for self-managers who want to learn how to get the most out of managing their NDIS funds.
They have produced the videos and checklists with The Growing Space. The Growing Space provides a peer led, community-driven disability information and consulting service.
The NDIA have also made minor updates to the Directly engaging your own staff guide (external). This guide can be helpful for self-managers and registered plan managers.
Resources align with recent legislation changes
The NDIS Guide to Self-management has been updated as part of legislation changes. It emphasises that participants can only spend their funding:
- on NDIS supports or agreed replacement supports (external)
- in line with their plan, including in line with any funding periods or funding component amounts.
No changes have been made to how self-management works in the NDIS.
These resources and website updates are about making it easier for self-managers to understand self-management and get the most out of their plans.
NDIS opening hours have changed
Opening hours for NDIA offices across Australia have changed. All locations are now open from 8:30am to 4:30pm (local time).
This means every NDIS office will open and close at the same time. The change does not affect partner offices. Visit the website to find your closest NDIS or partner office at: https://ow.ly/hkgs50UYbfI
Policy updates
National Roadmap to Improve the Health and Mental Health of Autistic People 2025-2035
The Australian Government has released the National Roadmap to Improve the Health and Mental Health of Autistic People 2025-2035. This roadmap aims to explore ways to support and connect people with Autism to health and mental health services in Australia.
You can learn more on: https://www.health.gov.au/our-work/national-roadmap-to-improve-the-health-and-mental-health-of-autistic-people-2025-2035
Queensland Health Open Hospitals website lets you view real-time hospital emergency department waiting times
For the first time in Queensland, data on critical information such as median patient wait times and the number of patients who have been triaged and awaiting treatment to start is updated every 15 to 30 minutes.
The portal delivers real-time hospital emergency department waiting times which was a key commitment of the QLD Governments 100 Day Plan, providing transparency and accountability while supporting increased public awareness of the health system.
Queenslanders can use the Queensland Health Open Hospitals website to see key information about 25 major public emergency departments and 7 minor injury and illness clinics, including:
- the number of permanent treatment spaces
- how many patients are waiting
- average waiting times.
The Open Hospitals Portal can be accessed at https://openhospitals.health.qld.gov.au/
The Deck is a resource hub for the housing and homelessness sector. Here are some recent research articles:
Integrating housing policy, settlement planning and disaster management | The Deck
- Focus: How housing policy and planning can better prepare for and recover from natural disasters.
- Key Areas: Institutional arrangements, planning coordination, and disaster management responses.
Communities collaborating to reduce homelessness | The Deck
- Focus: Success in reducing homelessness across various locations.
- Key Areas: Support from local, county, state, and federal players, programs, and systems.
National Association for the Visual Arts launches Disability Action Plan
The National Association of the Visual Arts (NAVA) has announced the launch of their Disability Action Plan to promote further inclusion and accessibility.
Learn more: https://www.artshub.com.au/news/article/nava-launches-its-disability-action-plan-2775262/
Inquiry into Elder Abuse
The Queensland state government has announced an inquiry into elder abuse. A joint report into elder abuse by the Qld Government and Uniting Care revealed that social abuse that is a form of coercive control increased by 7% and neglect of older people increased by 24% during the 2023-2024 period. Submissions open until 10 April 2025. Have your say about the inquiry into elder abuse: https://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/Work-of-Committees/Committees/Committee-Details?cid=269&id=4455
What's on
Stay updated on what’s happening with the Peer Support Group, DIDRR Workshops, and Policy Forums, on our website. You can find this information under the 'Events' page and check the QDN Calendar for upcoming events.
QDN Events: https://qdn.org.au/events/
QDN Membership – spread the word
Do you know someone who should be a QDN member? Share this link them so they can have their voice heard and connect with peers and support networks across Queensland.
QDN Membership Application: https://qdn.org.au/membership/qdn-member-application/
From our Allies
QAMH Connecting for Impact Conference 2025
QAMH are having a conference in July about the changing landscape of mental health. The conference will explore bridging the gaps between services and people with lived experiences of mental health. QAMH are also asking people to submit an Abstract for a presentation, panel or interactive session.
Learn more on: https://www.qamh.org.au/conference/submit-your-abstract/
NDS Insights into Action: The Path Forward for 2025
NDS are having an Insights into Action: The Path Forward for 2025 conference in each state and territory that will explore solutions to sector challenges.
To register and learn more: https://nds.org.au/events-and-training/conferences/nds-insights-to-action-5490
ASID Conference
ASID 2025 Conference Learning from the Past, Shaping the Future will be held in November 2025. The conference will include people who are committed to improving the lives of people with an intellectual disability. They are asking for Abstracts from people who would like to present at the conference.
Learn more on: https://asidconference.com.au/call-for-abstracts/
QDN Membership
If you or someone you know would like to be a QDN member apply here: https://qdn.org.au/membership/qdn-member-application/