Targeted Outreach Project Forum and Celebration
Queenslanders with Disability Network and their project partners, QCOSS, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Disability Network Queensland and AMPARO Advocacy held a wrap up forum and celebration of the Targeted Outreach Project.
The Honorable Craig Crawford, Minister for Seniors and Disability Services and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships opened the forum with a video summarising the project and the impacts it had for the people involved.
The aim of the Targeted Outreach Project was to engage and support vulnerable Queenslanders with a disability through support pathways to access the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The Targeted Outreach Project, operational for the last two years finished as of 30 June 2022.
The success of this program resulted in 2,243 individuals receiving direct support and referral pathways to access the NDIS either through referrals to Assessment and Referral Team (ART) or alternative support pathways. Referrals from TOP have resulted in $56 million in plans for people with disability across Queensland.
Project learnings to date reflect ongoing complexities around engaging with vulnerable Queenslanders as well as continuing challenges for Queenslanders with disability in accessing the NDIS. As such, QDN hosted this forum to share project learnings and to gather perspectives around engagement approaches that will best support vulnerable Queenslanders to successfully access the scheme and other support services, into the future.