Karene Gravener
My name is Karene. I am a wife, a mother, a sister, an advocate and a friend! I am many more things than that, but that describes me a little bit anyway. I have cerebral palsy, and this diagnosis has been with me since about the age of 18 months old. Cerebral palsy, unbeknown to many, is one of the most common childhood disabilities. Cerebral palsy has the potential to really impact negatively on an individual's life. However, I can say that due to the love and dedication of a brilliant family, the negative impact of my disability has not stopped me.
This includes going to university, obtaining a university degree in social work, becoming a mother and that this stage of life I am becoming more and more able to speak up for myself and speak up for others. Although I am not officially known as an advocate in a paid role, that is my passion. Advocacy. I believe if no one speaks and educates, nothing changes. The communities we live in need to understand that people with disabilities can and do play vital roles in every part of that community. People need to be shown that people with disabilities are people, end of story with our own abilities and passions and strengths.
This is why I keenly took up the opportunity to be a QBlogger. I love words and I love communicating in words, I feel as though I can say what I want to say in written form better than verbal, many times. Besides, written words can stay, Within the process of time, where spoken words can be forgotten. Written words have power and they can change many things for the better.
I look forward to many opportunities as a QBlogger that will hopefully shape the way things are done in my community.