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Disability Royal Commission Update

The Disability Royal Commission (the Commission) announced last week two community forums to be held in Logan (4 February 2020) and Ipswich (5 February 2020). Community forums are an opportunity for the Commission to update the community about their work, and for people with disability to share their stories in an informal environment.  While we acknowledge that the Commission’s announcement of these forums has come at short notice, QDN encourages members to attend if possible, to ensure Queenslanders with disability’s voices are heard.

Click here to register to attend.

In December 2019, the Commission released its first progress report. The report highlighted the work the Commission has already done, including its hearings in Brisbane and Townsville. The progress report also outlined the next steps for the Commission, including the launch of a new website in early 2020 that aims to be more accessible and user-friendly for people with disability.

Click here to access the progress report, including Easy Read versions.

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